@Oilers d'Edmonton

La conversation sur l’équipe canadienne McDavid/Crosby

Hockey NHL 2024-25 : Avec la nouvelle saison de la LNH qui approche et la pré-saison qui avance, nous avons fait beaucoup d’aperçus et de prédictions d’équipe, mais je veux aussi me pencher sur l’un des événements les plus alléchants du calendrier de la LNH cette année, le face-à-face des quatre nations et plus particulièrement sur l’équipe du Canada en ce qui concerne qui devrait rouler avec Connor McDavid et Sidney Crosby, séparément ou ensemble, sur ce qui devrait être une équipe bien fournie à l’avant. Nathan Mackinnon, Brad Marchand, Mitch Marner, Connor Bedard pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns, mais qui pensez-vous ? Je comprends que nous faisons un peu de choix de fantasy NHL avec cela, mais étant donné que nous n’avons pas encore vu de tournoi comme celui-ci avec McDavid et Crosby ensemble, c’est super excitant. Pour tout ce qui concerne le hockey, y compris les réactions et les analyses des faits saillants de la LNH d’aujourd’hui, les choix et les prédictions, les nouvelles de la LNH d’aujourd’hui, les vidéos sur les Oilers d’Edmonton, les Maple Leafs de Toronto, les Canadiens de Montréal, les Penguins de Pittsburgh et plus encore, les aperçus, les classements et les vidéos variées sur les tournois comme Four Nations Face Off et plus encore, pensez à vous abonner. Nhl 2024 #nhl #hockey #edmontonoilers #pittsburghpenguins #highlights


  1. I love Edmonton (not my home team tho) but u dont see hymans goal total as a career year? Id bet he doesnt have 40 this year.

  2. no mcdavid and hyman,….seen it over it… i want to see what we can't typically see. bedard and mcdavid crosby

  3. Even as a Canadian Oilers fan, I'm saddened by the fact that we won't see Gaudereau on Team USA. He'd be a huge part of that team. Truly a loss for the entire sport.

  4. When you said we have to put 97 and 98 together with someone who has hands, hockey IQ, and most importantly, play-making ability, I thought to myself…… Gretzky? That would perfectly complete the jersey number sequence! 😂

  5. Dark horse forward for the bottom 6 could be Nick Suzuki. 77 points last year 33 goals on a lottery team. And has steadily improved every season. He could be on a 80-90 point pace in February.

  6. Idk why ppl are excited to watch this stupid "tournament" it's nothing but a cash grab & tbh there is absolutely NOTHING international about it. Even the Spengler cup has more value then this useless trophy

    International hockey belongs in the winter Olympics & the IIHF with the worlds best players all having a shot to qualify there national team to the event not these stupid side shows for Betman to justify not letting NHL players compete on the biggest stage

  7. The top 6 that you mention…WOWZERS!!! Unbelievable! But for glowing hearts, I would be starstruck to see Sid, McKinnon, and McD. But realistically, someone has to take the second line. So, Sid with either McD or McK works for me.I there would be more goals from Sid and McD playing together.

  8. One is generational talent that plays a strong 200 foot game, great leadership and multiple cups. The other is a pretender. Even at age 38, Crosby is still a more complete player than McChokeinGame7

  9. Hyman deserves it. If he has another 50 goal season with McDavid then its just plain pettiness and stupidity to not pick him, plus chemistry matters which those 2 have plenty of so it just makes sense. As for the right wing Bedard just makes sense too. Imagine McDavid setting him in the slot or on a rush with Hyman in front or as third man in.

  10. Hyman Mcd Barzal
    Marchand Crosby Mackinnon
    Stamkos Point Stone
    Konechny OReilly Marner Giroux and Benn? Kadri?

    Makar Toews
    Morissey Doughty
    Theodore Pietrangelo Dunn? Letang?


    Bedard dosent have the complete game and hes simply not good enough yet on both ends of the ice, Bouchard is way too one dimensional, and wouldnt even be getting top powerplay time, so he's obsolete. Benn is on this team incase the Tkachuks give us a hard time.

    its kinda the perfect team, you could throw robert thomas on it, but i wanted to respect the vets considering it was their primes where they werent allowed to compete.

  11. my guess would be at least for the start
    Marchand – Crosby – Mack, all Nova Scotia line and the chemistry that they already have
    Hyman – McDavid – Marner, just for the chemistry that Hyman has with both of them
    This being such a short tourney, players familiarity with each other will matter a lot

  12. The conversation I keep having with my friends, is that Crosby should 100% be captain. I keep asking them to explain to me WHY Crazy SHOULDN'T be captain, based on what he has done, and what he continues to do, and his track record of being a captain and a leader. Baffles my mind. 5000% Crosby should be the captain.

  13. I've always said that Hyman is crazy underrated. Remember when Kunitz played for team Canada? Everybody was saying WTF is this guy doing here? Simple, he gets puck possession, passes it off and then goes to the net. Pretty close parallel. Team Canada dominated that year, let in a total of three or four goals for the entire tournament. Crosby/McDavid/McKinnon truly shine when they have someone to get puck possession for the team. I'd also like to mention that's why Crosby is still elite, he can still dig in the corners and small areas and get himself puck possession FOR HIMSELF, even at the end of his career.

  14. As a Canadian, I will miss not seeing Russia. Always like watching Canada vs America and Canada vs Russia. Russia not being in the mix is not good for the game IMO

  15. Team Canada will be so insanely stacked with forward talent, USA is not far behind. This will be fun to watch probably the best international hockey since 2010 Olympics.

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