@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Friedman] Nous verrons comment cela évoluera au cours des prochains jours, mais il semblerait que Philadelphie et le gardien Alexei Kolosov travaillent à une solution à son absence. Suite. dans les commentaires.

[Friedman] Nous verrons comment cela évoluera au cours des prochains jours, mais il semblerait que Philadelphie et le gardien Alexei Kolosov travaillent à une solution à son absence. Suite. dans les commentaires.



  1. StubbornLeech07

    > Kolosov would come over to play for a bit — exhibition games and some AHL, with agreement on a potential return to KHL if he doesn’t stay with Flyers But they definitely want him to give North America a legit shot
    EDIT: Friedman edit tweet to include last sentence.

    Not sure I like the idea that he gets to return home if he doesn’t stay with the big club.

  2. Guy is just gonna walk in after skipping all of camp and say “I’m heading home if you cut me”. Fuck off lol.

  3. « With agreement on a potential return to KHL if he doesn’t stay with Flyers »

    So are we going to roll with 3 goalies? If this is the agreement, this seems destined to have him back in the KHL

  4. TwoForHawat

    Wonder what “some AHL” means. Maybe they have an agreement that he plays here, even in Allentown, for a set period of time. And if he’s not in the NHL by then, he goes home.

  5. GimmickyBulb

    I’m hearing reports we had to send u/NotABurner6942069 to Minsk as part of Kolosov’s negotiations.

  6. Hi_There_Face_Here

    Wish he would just suck it up and play for the Phantoms. It’s a nice arena and they fill it up with fans. Great atmosphere for an AHL team. I get Allentown isn’t the coolest place to live but the guy is going to be making a ton of money (relative to the average Allentownian), he can get a nice apartment and hang out with Fedotov and Michkov on off days.

  7. ShiftyUsmc

    None of this makes sense. Hes still strong arming the organization a bit and if this is what we ended up with why couldnt we have done this weeks ago and avoided all of the drama? With this clause i dont see how he stays over here… is this just for trade value? a compromise on his part to have a chance next year?

  8. Is kolosov considered a blue chip prospect? Is he worth this much of a headache? Genuinely asking, I’m not too familiar with his game

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