@Islanders de New York

Ai-je raté quelque chose ?

J’avoue que je ne suis ni sur Twitter ni sur Facebook, mais je consulte Isles Reddit tous les jours. Comment diable n’ai-je pas entendu ça avant. Ce n’est pas quelqu’un de clickbaiting qui a signalé cela, c’est le réseau NHL. À quel point devrais-je être paniqué ?



  1. ensignWcrusher

    Forgot to include, that the video is a week old. I’m just dumbfounded that the team admitted this a week ago, and it somhow eluded me until like 15 minutes ago

  2. PuddingConscious

    To answer your question, yes, you missed something. There was also a fairly significant lead-up to this news, when Friedman indicated that he had some vague update regarding Sorokin a few days prior. Had everyone shitting their pants.

  3. AJS76reddit

    See this is the problem when your strategy for winning is pinned on only one aspect of the game. Much like Toronto and their reliance on offense, we live and die by goaltending. This is why i prefer a much more balanced team. This way you don’t put too much strain on only one aspect. But sadly we don’t have the firepower to compensate for a lack of excellent goaltending.

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