@Lightning de Tampa Bay

#24 (édition ouragan) : #1 crybaby

Je pourrais perdre le courant et vous pourriez ne pas en voir un pendant un jour ou deux



  1. thebigsad72

    I guess drouin, can’t really think of anyone else

  2. 2_DS_IN_MY_B

    Honestly probably stamkos on account of being the only one with emotion

  3. Bjorn2Kill

    As much as I absolutely love this guy, it might be heddy lol

  4. Dan Ellis.

    Those of y’all who weren’t around, Google « Dan Ellis Linus Omark »

  5. Allen_Koholic

    Cal Foote.

    Because one time he faked getting hit in the face to draw a penalty and also because fuck Cal Foote.

  6. sc_champs2020

    Drouin for sure. Had he stuck it out he probably would of had more successful development and not have the mental breakdown of having to be the Habs savior

  7. Nothing makes me laugh harder than Hagel bitching to the refs every game

  8. Drouin kinda owns this one off the ice. Tucker used to bitch a bunch, but his complaints were all reasonable. Langkow kinda ran himself out of town in a similar way.


    I gotta go with MSL. Who the fuck does what he did? Over a fucking olympic spot? On team Canada.

    My esteem for him has never recovered from that bullshit.

  9. Vulcan2422

    MSL. The whole Olympic thing he blew out of proportion.

  10. Us old timers will remember that Kontos was the original crybaby

  11. lethargicshtbag

    Hagel with referees. He is always complaining, sometimes for good reasons, but it never stops.

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