@Rangers de New York

Scott Mayfield contre Ryan Lindgren 24 septembre 2024

Scott Mayfield contre Ryan Lindgren des Islanders de New York lors du match des Rangers de New York le 24 septembre 2024. via https://www.hockeyfights.com


  1. It was a clean hit though and i'm a Rangers fan. Times have changed where teammates feel it's essential to fight when an opposing player lays a hit. Just askTrouba about that.

  2. Clean hit. Chytil had his leg in an awkward position when Mayfield went it. Mayfield is a strong dude

  3. Putting the wrong glove on after with the "wtf just happened why did I do that" look in the eyes

  4. Mayfield better keep his head up in the regular season. Chara for the islanders has been looooooong gone to help any of yas lol

  5. Chytil is always a victim, now guys are getting hurt defending him? Too much trouble for a guy who is this light in the ass, underskilled, overpaid, and has never put up more than 45 points in a season. Rangers are jokes for trying to make him a thing

  6. Ryan Lindgren is probably one of the toughest mfers on the ice. Something that would be season ending for someone else, he'd be back on the bench later in the game. That being said, he is not a fighter by a long shot

  7. People saying it was a clean hit and shouldn't be a fight are missing the point. Chytil had serious concussion problems last season that almost ended his career at the age of 25. Lindgren felt that a hit like that in a meaningless preseason game on a player that has had serious brain injury problems was not necessary and that's why he dropped the gloves.

  8. Rempe, Edstrom, Trouba would have been better choices than the oft injured Lindgren for the fight. I get standing up for a teammate, but let the guys skilled at that art handle things.

  9. Ranger fan here… it was not a dirty hit by any means, just awkward, but I can understand Lindgren getting in Mayfield’s face. But I don’t even think Lindgren wanted (or expected) a fight necessarily. Mayfield dropped the gloves first… good for him. Players shouldn’t have to defend themselves after good hits… especially if a chump tries to get in his face. As far as Chytil is concerned, get used to this fellow Ranger fans… this guy will never be at 100% or play a full season. Some veterans should’ve been taking the younger guys aside (especially the smaller ones) and teaching them how to avoid putting yourself into awkward positions and getting hit. Watch some Panarin tapes. Situational awareness.

  10. Lindgren got himself hurt on this. No wonder why he only got a 1 year contract. It’s this year or bust for this team. I am not interested in anything once Sam Rosen is gone either. Time to move on. Get it together and win the cup this year.

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