@Bruins de Boston

Mec, ont-ils déjà besoin de ça…

Hockey LNH 2024 – La pré-saison se poursuit à mesure que nous nous rapprochons de la saison 2024-25 de la LNH et, d’après toutes les avant-premières des équipes que nous avons faites, les enjeux semblent assez intenses à Kanata cette année. Qu’il s’agisse de Brady Tkachuk Linus Ullmark Tim Stutzle ou d’autres, il y a de nombreux points d’intérêt pour les Sénateurs d’Ottawa cette saison, et les faits saillants de la LNH entre eux et leurs rivaux de l’Atlantique tels que les Maple Leafs de Toronto, les Bruins de Boston et les Canadiens de Montréal en particulier devraient être assez amusants. Mais avec la saga Jeremy Swayman à Boston couplée à l’échange de Linus Ullmark, le Net d’Ottawa sera d’un intérêt extrêmement accru lorsque la rondelle tombera dans quelques semaines. Pour tout ce qui concerne le hockey de la LNH, y compris les récapitulatifs des réactions et les détails des faits saillants de la LNH aujourd’hui (sauf les faits saillants de la pré-saison, à quelques exceptions près mdr), les aperçus des classements et le contenu varié, les actualités de la LNH et les rumeurs commerciales, les choix et les pronostics et plus encore, restez avec Johnny Hawkey. LNH aujourd’hui #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #ottawasenators


  1. Atlantic is hard. Detroit, Buffalo and Habs got better. (And sens) Then there's the obvious ones with the Bruins, Panthers, Bolts and Leafs. It's gonna be a really fun playoff race to watch

  2. Four best teams in the Atlantic division Florida leafs bruins Tampa for the bazillionth time in a row.

    That division is like watching reruns all year

  3. Definitely feels a lot different this season.. new coaching staff, new faces, a much more balanced roster that should be harder to play against. I think they can push for a wildcard spot

  4. Here are the problems for Ottawa.

    They’re in a division that has Boston, Toronto, Florida & Tampa in it. Ottawa is better than none of those teams. And unless one of those teams falls off a cliff, they have to pray for a wildcard spot.

    Here’s the problem with that. NYR, Carolina & PIT/WAS are pretty much booked for the other three booked for a spot. So that leaves Ottawa, Detroit, Buffalo, PIT/WAS, NYI and one of the Atlantic teams i mentioned earlier fighting for TWO PLAYOFF spots. And here’s another problem…Ottawa isn’t even the best team out of that group.

    The only way the Sens get in is if a team just has a disaster of a season. And even IF that happens, Ottawa has to take advantage of the opportunity.

  5. Sens make it this year. No one thinks any team is falling out of the top 3 in the Atlantic, but I think there's a decent shot that Toronto or Tampa could find themselves fighting for a WC spot and Ottawa takes 3rd in the division.

  6. Ullmark is going to get lit up with Ottawa's poor defence, Boston's defence is why goalies all look like super heroes in Boston.

  7. i just have 2 simple wishes for the sens…

    beat out toronto in the playoffs, and tampa to miss the playoffs… i just want that to happen, go to the 2nd round off of that and see brisebois get booted after kneecapping the lightning after yzerman left…

  8. Probably the toughest division to try to make playoffs & they were better than their record last year. A 1-14-1 on the road against the Western Conference was what killed them.
    All of the changes are geared towards fixing that.

  9. I feel like the sens are the most forgettable team in the league lol… I think they could surprise this year and agree with your takes here

  10. Hold up. Anderson was the best goalie in Sens history? The Dominator disrespect is crazy!
    Kidding aside, this team just isn’t better than the teams they have to beat to make the playoffs. I’d love to see Ottawa over Toronto but with that D core and lack of structure I doubt it

  11. As a Senator’s fan, I just want a distraction free season. No gambling suspensions, no losing first rounders, no Uber rides, no Canadian Hockey scandal, just let the team focus on playing hockey.

    My expectations are still tempered though. They are in an extremely tough division with other teams on the rise and they’re all not going to make it. As long as they are still competing for a spot in March, I’ll be happy with the season.

  12. The one strength this Ottawa team has no one talks nearly enough about is their PK, it's elite.
    They've been training hard on this courtesy of Brady Tkachuk who's been gifting them more penalties per season than any other top 6 winger in the league since 2018. Relentless training. And he ramps it up each year too. What a teammate.

  13. I think they're going to do better than last year but it's a tough division for playoffs. I want to be proven wrong though, I want to see them going all the way!

  14. I’ve been a sens believer for the last 3 seasons and they let me down every time. I’m done believing in this team they will fall apart like they do every year

  15. With the the sens giving away a first round pick in in one of the next drafts. If they don't improve by then. After they they forfeit that pick they will rebuild the year after to make sure to get a high draft. . That's just my opinion though. With players like stuzle, Brady and Sanderson it could be hard ro juat give away those players

  16. Theyre gonna take bostons spot. The bruins are going to waste the first month of the season trying to bargain from a position of zero strength with swayman, while korpisolo loses them game after game, and they wont be able to recover.

  17. If Ully doesn't fuck up his persistent groin injury I can see the dude carrying ottawa to at least a wild card spot. Ottawa has been an exciting team for a few years now and my favorite hockey team's vezina winning goalie moving there might be the piece they need to dump out in the first round anyway.

  18. As a leafs fan watching them in the Preseason I think they make it the sens seme different they played like they were ready for the postseason and having #35 between the pipes just proved what I was saying 2 seasons ago

  19. idk what it is but i dont see this team winning anything, let alone a playoff series with chabot on the roster

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