@Avalanche du Colorado

La taille compte-t-elle ?

J’ai vu un graphique intéressant sur les réseaux sociaux aujourd’hui. Je savais que les Avs étaient plutôt légers, mais je dois dire que j’ai été un peu choqué de voir le Colorado en dernier. Je ne cherche pas à maudire la saison, mais je ne peux pas dire que je suis content quand je regarde ces chiffres…



  1. Sad-Technology9484

    I’m wondering what roster this is from. Rosters aren’t close to finalized yet – not sure how they have reliable 2024-2025 information.

    Does this include Nuke and Landy?

    I feel like, with them in the lineup, we have a lot of big, powerforward types in our forward corps.

  2. someguyfromsk

    I realize this isn’t « size when they won » but 2 of the last 3 cup winning teams are near the bottom.

    The other one is near the top though…

  3. ZeldaTheOuchMouse

    Weight reduction means more speed


  4. killingcrushes

    maybe 20 years ago it’d be a big deal, but in today’s league, i think skill will get you a lot farther than a 15 pound weight difference – 2 of the last 3 champs with us & florida are near the bottom so i think it’s pretty safe to say it doesn’t really matter.

  5. anemic_royaltea

    Size doesn’t matter, and speed kills.

  6. Gold-Stomach-4657

    Size is good for strength, and as a person who supports the Leafs in the East, I know that they are notoriously weak despite being near the top of the list. Not all of the biggest guys are the strongest, but lightest does usually mean fastest, which the Avs have got in spades.

  7. SemiSolidSnake11

    In today’s league, where the main focus is on skill and speed, the difference between 207 lbs and 192 lbs is practically negligible. Not to mention that this list doesn’t even come close to mirroring league standings over the past few seasons.

  8. RMoysters33

    It’s fucking amazing that Calgary is once again in the middle lol

  9. These numbers are probably all at least a bit wrong.

    But to address the question more generally, size does matter, somewhat. But a good coach can make up a system where the team is playing to their strengths. So for example Bednar won’t try to make our team the Big Bad Bruins or the Broadstreet Bullies.

    Also I think how the team plays matters a lot more. As long as your players aren’t shying away from contact and don’t take any shit from anyone, they’re good.

  10. Leaf_Atomico

    TIL I weigh more than the average Avs player.

  11. the_glutton17

    Yeah, hockey is moving towards speed over weight.

    We’re fucking fast, it’s a good thing.

  12. biohazard842

    Speed team full of lighter, faster players?

    Seems obvious.

    Teams on both ends of the spectrum have won cups recently, I don’t see our lack of size as a pressing issue.

  13. ObiWan_Cannoli_

    Lmao a difference of 15 pounds. No offense op but what a dumb fucking graphic

  14. sweetplantveal

    Look at that spread though. The vast majority of teams are 201-196 lbs. One player could gain or lose 5 lbs throughout a season. There’s not much of a difference between two guys of the same height within 5 lbs of each other. A very big or very light player could sway a team’s average by that much.

    The Avs are definitely smaller and lighter, especially without guys like Landeskog, either/both Johnsons, etc. But the difference between us and the average team size isn’t that big.

    The speed difference, however, is substantial.

  15. fatch0deBoi34

    I know they’re thick dudes, but it does kind of surprise me how small some players are. Even the big guys, they’re like 220 max max. A big man defender in the NHL could easily be 6’3 210.

    I’ve been blinded by the NFL on what big actually is. Those mfers are giants.

  16. polymorph505

    Hockey is a physical sport, of course it matters. You can simply look at the last 10 cup winners to see a correlation.

    We were like middle of the pack when we won and that includes Kermit, but being at the bottom of the league in height/weight isn’t doing us any favors.

  17. Brian_Corey__

    Girard is 170. Makar 187. Toews 191. Kylington 183. Georgi 178. That’s pretty light on the defensive side of the ice. And only two forwards (Rants at 215) and Pavel (205) over 200.

    But prefer speed over size.

  18. Humans_Suck-

    The Avs are the lightest because they’re also the fastest. Speed > meat

  19. Important_Plantain10

    The age-old answer: size doesn’t matter as much a technique.

  20. No wonder we’re not a hitting team. Wish we were more. An object in motion stays in motion until acted upon. I WANT A CUP OR SOME GODDAMM BIG HITS (cracks another beer) entertain me!

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