@Flyers de Philadelphie

Camp d’entraînement du 27/09 : TORTORELLA

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef des Flyers, John Tortorella, pendant le camp d’entraînement.


  1. Michkov is serious, look at the muscle he put on during the off-season. That boy comin for scalps.
    Let’s go flyers!

  2. Comcast should be able to get some microphones for the reporters, they have some money right!?, come on guys, every season and it never changes.

  3. I really like Jett Luchenko too. I really hope he makes the team at 18 years old. He's a workout freak like a young Rod Brindamour.

  4. These questions are horrible c’mon reporters, do you even like hockey? Maybe go back to no mic on the questions? Apparently we weren’t missing anything..

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