@Kraken de Seattle

Burky porte un maillot rouge sans contact à l’entraînement aujourd’hui

J’ai été surpris de le voir porter un maillot sans contact ce matin. Il était également sur la patinoire d’entraînement « hors glace ». Je me demande s’il s’agit d’une mesure préventive ou s’il a aggravé une blessure antérieure ? Lui et Dunn s’entraînaient ensemble hier, mais il portait alors son maillot habituel.



  1. Antilock049

    Love berkie but damn can he just not stay healthy. He’s a great addition when he’s healthy but I just can’t really see us extending his contract tbh.

    Shame because he definitely makes the offense more dynamic.

  2. denserhumandanser

    Dan said it was precautionary 🤞🏼

  3. tonytanti

    If he ends up out for a while, I guess that solves any cap issue.


    this is a sincere question. to all the people who are frustrated with burky for being injured so often, what exactly should he be doing to be less injury prone?

  5. DeadMediaRecordings

    Guess that’s on ay to fix the cap issue.

  6. BayAreaKrakHead

    I don’t want to discredit his injury history. I’m wondering how much of this is now just precautionary and is now just as much a mentality issue.

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