@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Faire un don à WNC

Je suis allé plusieurs fois dans les montagnes et je suis très proche de voir les destructions. Je pense que ce soir, je vais faire ce que je peux sur le moment et donner de l’argent pour chaque but et aide des Hurricanes. Je joindrai un lien si quelqu’un d’autre se sent enclin à m’aider.




  1. sftwareguy

    I’ll do that. After living through Fran and all the others, these people are not only left with nothing, but have not much to look forward to. If they didn’t have flood insurance, which is likely for a lot of them, about everything they have was swept away. Thanks for posting this.

  2. I was fortunate i have starlink so the boys came up the mountain and we watched the game last night here. We will be doing it again for tonight’s game.

  3. I do photography up there regularly and have friends that work on one of the rivers. Haven’t heard from them. My brothers former roommate in Asheville had the entire first floor of his apartment building submerged by the river

  4. bwaredapenguin

    I can’t imagine many folks up in the mountains have flood insurance or ever expect this type of storm. The pics I’ve seen from friends in the area and on Facebook and Twitter are devastating. Thanks for posting this OP, I can’t afford much to give, but I donated what I can to the American Red Cross.

  5. NedThomas

    Just putting it out for anyone able to do it… volunteer work cannot be overstated in value for this kind of recovery. Even if its just giving up a Saturday to help hand out basic supplies, its well worth it.

  6. NCfella6789

    This is the area I grew up in. Rutherford County NC, home to Lake Lure and Chimney Rock and Bat Cave. Of those 3, only Lake Lure is still on the map, and barely. The Lake Lure dam was almost breached, but turns out the water found a different path to go.


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