@Canadiens de Montréal

Patrik Laine tombe sur la glace après un contact avec un genou en entrant dans la zone

Patrik Laine tombe sur la glace après un contact avec un genou en entrant dans la zone



  1. lacoupe25

    NHL should stop playing pre-season games. Pure garbage, and every single year some AHL goon injures an NHL star or regular. It’s fucked.

  2. rungoodaa

    horrible so sad. The shot of him walking to the locker room / medical he shot his helmet.. he knows its bad. FUCK WHY CANT WE HAVE NICE THINGS.
    And Reinbacher hopefully its not long term, he’s missing crucial development time. :(:(

  3. Beefiest_bison

    That does not look good at all, hopefully it’s better than it looks.

  4. Soph_fiveo

    How many weeks/months will we lose him now 😭 cant catch a break

  5. Jesus_Price31

    FUCK. I had to turn the game off after that. Gutted.

    Hope he’s okay

  6. HabsPhophet

    Pour avoir eu dequoi de similaire ça ressemble à un acl decalissé

  7. Zestyclose-Cricket82

    This team is cursed…. Hope it doesn’t bring Another season atop the games missed to injury chart

  8. Upstairs-Bonus3987

    Pu capable tbkkkk à chaque année c la même affaire wrfff

  9. OpenMouthKissedHorse

    Well my blood pressure is sky high after watching that

  10. That’s a full Kirby he’s done for the year you can see his knee flopping with no reinforcement.

  11. That’s gonna be so hard on his mental health. Poor kid..

  12. full knee hyperextension on the hit. I’m anticipating ACL minimum and done for the season. I’d like to be wrong here, but it does not look good.

  13. Dégueulasse. Pas capable de l’arrêter alors il l’attaque avec le genoux.

  14. GhostDadTheWhip

    Leafs/Habs rivalry just took an adrenalin needle to the chest

  15. Alcatrazzz01

    Oublions le Mix. Bottom 5 au prochain repêchage

  16. getting injured by some random echl bum over a fuckass preseason game I’m so done

  17. Mathi_boy04

    best case scenario, this is a medial colateral ligament tear which is a 6+ week and doesn’t necessarily need surgery. Worst case scenario, this is a ACL ± MCL ± meniscus tear which takes him out for the whole season.

  18. flywithRossonero

    Sometimes it be your own people… dont want this pare imbecile to be allowed back in Quebec

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