@Canucks de Vancouver

Nouvelles mises à jour de la liste

Nouvelles mises à jour de la liste



  1. ebb_omega

    Gave Alriksson his cup of tea, signed him to a contract and sent him back down. That’s good though, kid earned himself a contract in the biggest league in the world; not bad for a few weeks’ work.

  2. CrayonOlympics

    Ty Young to Abby is very interesting considering how many goalies they already have. I figured they would send him back to junior but maybe they want to start him in the ECHL instead given that he seemingly lost his starting gig in Prince George.

    Still would have thought him getting traded to a new WHL team for a better opportunity would be the best outcome for him.

  3. supereagle00

    Can someone explain why alriksson was signed and then sent back down? Is that prep so that he could be called up when his season is done as a black ace? Or is it a hint that he could get a few games in if there’s tons of injuries? Or just a reward for being a beast

  4. Mountain_Apricot_567

    What forwards on the fringe does this leave? 









    Am I missing anyone?

  5. AverageMaleAged18-24

    Lekkerimaki is no doubt going to be an NHL player, but I think starting the year off in Abbottsford would be the best thing for him. Top line minutes, PP1 time, plenty of ice time to learn the systems and work a bit of his defensive side of things. I noticed he’s a little soft in board battles/fighting for loose pucks. Little things that can be worked on. I’d like to see him back up with the big club at some point this season, no need to rush the kid.

  6. How Sammy Blais hasn’t been cut yet is baffling.

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