@Canadiens de Montréal

[Engels] Au cas où vous l’auriez oublié, les Canadiens de Montréal ont perdu le plus de matchs masculins dans la LNH au cours des trois dernières saisons. Premier du championnat en 2021-22 (599), premier en 2022-23 (600), troisième en 2023-24 (390)

[Engels] Au cas où vous l’auriez oublié, les Canadiens de Montréal ont perdu le plus de matchs masculins dans la LNH au cours des trois dernières saisons. Premier du championnat en 2021-22 (599), premier en 2022-23 (600), troisième en 2023-24 (390)



  1. GroundInfinite4111

    Engels, while I appreciate you, we don’t need to be reminded.

  2. _Saputawsit_

    That’s 1589 games lost over the last 3 years, for anyone keeping track at home. 

  3. astonedgecko

    Thanks Eric! I actually DID forget the pain and suffering over the last 3 years 👍

  4. JamJam130

    Are we counting Weber and Price in these stats?

    I feel like Weber shouldn’t count at all and Price shouldn’t count beyond the 21-22 season

  5. ticktock_heart

    To think about it in a different way, that’s, on average, 530 games per season, which split over a 23 player roster, comes out to an average of 23 games lost — over a quarter of the season — per player, per season. It’s painful.

  6. ![gif](giphy|3o7WTqo27pLRYxRtg4|downsized)

    Spain but without the S

    In french, bread = pain

    Slaughter with or without the S …. can only laugh.

  7. ParamoreRiot

    There has to be a reason for this.. it can’t be a coincidence year after year.
    Are they all flukes like Laine? Idk

  8. Booboo_McBad

    I’m sure a lot of teams that are out of the playoffs early – or enter the season with the goal of improving draft position (recently Chicago, San Jose) will have more man games lost because of precautionary measures and/or early shutdowns

  9. Smirnoffico

    Bergevin should have been more precise with wording when made that deal with Satan. ‘Anything for a deep playoffs run’ doesn’t sound that good now, does it?

  10. This Laine injury seems to be pure bad luck but we have signed a lot of injury prone players over the last couple of years.

  11. Studly_Wonderballs

    Is there a site that shows this stat over the last 15 years? I feel like we are near the top every season

  12. Key-Surprise-9206

    Does this include Carey price? Cuz if so I’d like to see where we’d rank without lti-retired guys

  13. Most likely will contend for the top rank again this year. It’s not as much bad luck as people may think, this stats kind of proves it. Some players are just good at avoiding dangerous falls and contacts(e.g Suzuki) while others aren’t(e.g Dach).

  14. Goalchenyuk87

    It sounds so stupid as a question but could there be a reason why ?
    The ice
    Medical treatments
    Bad luck

    I know injuries happens away too

    3years in a row, its odd.

  15. DivinePotatoe


  16. HabsPhophet

    Not only is it the most, its an all time record

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