@Flyers de Philadelphie

Travis Konecny ​​(11) jours avant la saison des Flyers

TK compte 174 buts, 9 buts en infériorité numérique, 226 passes décisives et un +/- de -26 en 8 saisons avec les Flyers (16/17-23/34).



  1. Roll-Me-Through

    TK has a good chance of hitting 200g/250a this season!

  2. Noodles_McNulty

    Fuck the doomers in this sub, I’m glad we resigned him.

  3. Everdriver478

    I can’t wait for the Flyers to have a decent/normal/good start and then lose two games and allllll the assholes who have been quiet since the preseason to come crawling out talking about how much smarter they are than everyone because this team fucking sucks ass and Danny Briere is an idiot and we should have Drafted Wayne Gretzky’s dog instead.

    I just can’t *wait*.

  4. Bhut_Jolokia400

    Have to toss out a salute to Tony Amonte with 11 days to go

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