@Sabres de Buffalo

[The Buffalo News] Jason Zucker a choisi les Sabres parce qu’il estimait qu’ils formaient une équipe en plein essor qui bénéficierait de son leadership. Ne vous y trompez pas, Zucker souhaite également se remettre à la production. Extrait de notre conversation à Prague : « Je veux marquer 20 buts. »

[The Buffalo News] Jason Zucker a choisi les Sabres parce qu’il estimait qu’ils formaient une équipe en plein essor qui bénéficierait de son leadership. Ne vous y trompez pas, Zucker souhaite également se remettre à la production. Extrait de notre conversation à Prague : « Je veux marquer 20 buts. »



  1. seeldoger47

    I too want Jason Zucker to score 20 goals.

    >But, as much as Zucker is relishing the opportunity to fill a leadership role on the youngest team in the NHL, he is also out to prove that he is more than the most experienced guy in the room and someone who can still score after a season in which he was used by Arizona to defend the other team’s best players.

    >“Last year was the first year of my career I was in that role, so it was a little different,” Zucker said. “It was a learning experience to figure that out and how to play the game that way and have that aspect of my game. I’ve always prided myself in being able to play anywhere in the lineup, first line, fourth line, penalty kill, power play, last minute of the game. It doesn’t matter, I can play there, and I think, last year, I proved that to myself a little bit more.

    > »It also proved to me that I still have the fire of, ‘I don’t want that ever again.’ I want to be a top-six guy. I want to be scoring 20 goals. It added a different kind of urgency to keep that in my game.”
    The speed isn’t gone from Zucker’s game. Neither is the relentlessness to get to the front of the net and finish checks. He is a mature, defensively responsible player who has quickly earned Ruff’s trust in training camp. The production last season, or lack thereof, should be framed with important context.

  2. DrapedInVelvet


    Lets talk about the real reason

  3. shotzoflead94

    I mean even if he doesn’t bounce back, he had 32 points in 69 games which is very good for a third liner.

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