@Bruins de Boston

Les Bruins chassent-ils Swayman de la ville ?

Lors d’une conférence de presse lundi, le président des Bruins, Cam Neely, a déclaré qu’il avait 64 millions de raisons pour lesquelles le gardien Jeremy Swayman signait à Boston. Plus tard, l’agent de Swayman a déclaré qu’il n’avait pas entendu ces chiffres auparavant et qu’il était déçu par l’affichage public. Les Bruins poussent-ils Swayman hors de la ville ? Quel est le bon numéro pour le gardien de but ? Cheryl Pounder, analyste de TSN Hockey, se joint à That’s Hockey de Domino pour en discuter.


  1. Swayman was getting lowballed and bruins are frustrated. Classless moves by Bruins management to bring negotiations public and try to smear the most important player on the team.

  2. Imagine having the season n especially the post season he's had n being the last line of defence n a more important position that any other n they say take 3.25 million less then pasta.. the goalies have been getting screwed for way too long.. Jeremy is right he needs to reset the market… ill take the best goalie in the league over the best players in the league

  3. Swayman’s weight around his neck is the last playoff goal he gave versus Florida with 1:33 left in regulation last spring. That soft goal broke a 1-1 tie with Florida winning the series on Bruins home ice. Realize one goal doesn’t make a career, but in this case it didn’t help matters. Elimination games are hard to forget…Go Bruins!

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