@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Davies a frappé Hedman – Tough Call Review

Josh Davies n’aurait pas pu jouer quelques minutes de hockey pré-saison plus propres et plus divertissantes, fournissant de l’énergie et du rythme, ainsi que la quantité parfaite de bonne physique propre que vous aimez voir. Apparemment, le Lightning n’aime pas voir ça. Merci à Dieu de vous être battu, sinon nous verrions plus de contrôles propres, et qui veut ça ?? 🤨


  1. I'm a huge supporter of fighting, always have been, but I hate fighting after a beautiful CLEAN hit. Dirty hits, yes, jump in and teach him a lesson, but this is pitiful by the lightning

  2. this kid is running around in pre season . Bet Davies and other players will think twice before doing it again. This is the reason this team is a dynasty because they stick together. cant argue that. Davies has every right to run around and throw hits. Tampa responded how they responded.

  3. Um that was the clean body check, it was a touch of a blindside which I am sure is the issue but TBL are the most rediculous team in NHL when it comes to backing their team mates up even if it was not needed.
    1 scrum in front of their net or touching any of their players after the whistle and it cause an instant 5 man scrum caused by TBL and FLO are not much better so its a match made in goon heaven.
    Kucherov does not get enough attention for being the dirtiest skilled player in the entire NHL!

  4. On a side note if DOPS does not get a handle on what is going on in NHL, will it take a career ending injury or worse to make them wake up and start policing the game properly!
    The refs lose the game all the time and then the DOPS does nothing to deter the goon actions as if they are scared to admit openly how bad the refs missed the calls!

  5. if you check a superstar when he can't see the check coming and defend himself that is what happens. It may be clean but definitely how players get hurt!

  6. I’m just so confused by kucherovs response and even more confused at geekies response? Like clean hits not allowed anymore? If I was davies and the panthers next time they play them just starting putt in clean hits on everybody lol

  7. The NHL is a total disaster, they have tolerate players doing these little vendettas for too long now it's getting out of hand. We can't even appreciate a good clean hit without having some stupid retaliations, and this will never change unless they punish more severely these bad behaviours that are totally unprofessional.

  8. Kuuuuuccccheerooovvvvv! Good for him. How many times has Kuch been hit with a stick in the back of the knee or blindsided and ref somehow ignores? Over and over. So maybe he’s learning to be just as big an A’hole as those a’holes who hit him for no good reason.

  9. IN FACT they show the knee slash on Kuch in video right under yours by Duclair with no penalty. Maybe he’s tired of not getting to smash other players just for fun. Hmmm. Payback is a bitch.

  10. Guys if you know how hockey works it was obvious that eventually Davies would pay the price. When you run around like that hitting the best players of the other team it's a question of time. He's even lucky that it took that long to get a response because some other teams wouldn't have wait that long to jump him.

  11. It's preseason, if you are going for hard checks against the opponent key players, you gotta expect retaliation. Conor Geekie actually made a strong case for the Lightning starting lineup there

  12. Kucherov gave Hedman a suicide pass in the middle of the ice. If I were Kuch I'd be pissed at myself and Davies as well. Kucherov made two bad decisions, one was the suicide pass and the other was going after Davies for a clean open ice hit.

  13. This problem is easily solvable. Take the instigator rule out. Let the boys police themselves.

  14. I never heard the last name "Geekie" before in my life, and now I'm learning there's two of them. Hockey is something else, right Rob Tugnutt? Hakan Loob…excuse me, I had something in my throat. None of them hold a candle to Richard Trickle though, RIP…may you always drive circles in the sky. ✌

  15. Geeke deserves a 5 match suspension. You dont get on the ice like this running after a player and jumping him like this, especially for someone guilty of simply distributing a number of legal body checks, none of them dangerous. Davies is 5'9….. Herman is 6'7", 245 pounds. If anything Hedman was surprised to be hit by such a small player. This culture in hockey now that you much hit with your fist someone who give clean strong bodychecks is ridiculous. And the league is ridiculous, it will probably give him a fine or at most a 1 game suspension. I am wondering now: is Geeke a goon?

  16. Too many times players are hit cleanly, and their teammates "jump" to their defense. This has to stop. Instill an automatic game misconduct and 2 game suspension for this crap.

  17. Standard behavior between two teams that genuinely dislike each other. The over reaction is also due to the Panthers dressing their AHL roster vs Tampa's NHL roster. I guess they expected these minor leaguers to not try and improve their careers.

  18. I hate that clean checks are now a reason for goonery. It is a contact sport, and just because the target of a legal hit happens to be a star player is not reason for someone to need to defend himself in a figght. I can see it if the hit was dirty, and I am not saying if the hit on Hedman was clean or dirty, just an overall observation.

  19. Bunch of f'ing cry babies in the NHL complaining about clean hits. Going on for years now. Make a clean hit and get jumped. F Off!!!

  20. Just being a Florida player. Nothing to see here. Boston. Florida. Tampa.

    They're all the same.

  21. i am not a fan of either teams. I am a fan of clean, physical playoff style games. This was not one of those times. Davies is deliverying hard physical shifts and completing his checks clean. Geekie coming off the bench and jumping Davies for deliverying clean, hard hits? I would suggest the league start cracking down on retribution by teams for clean hits. It seems to be a new trend the last few years. It needs to stop. I would have thrown Geekie out and possibly a bench minor on Cooper or even a misconduct/game misconduct on him for allowing his player to jump off the bench and attack another player. The league should fine him, geekie, and/or the lighning org. They should also review the player who yanked Davis down after hitting Hedman hard but clean. They then need to enforce this moving forward regardless of team, including my team (NYR). let the clean hit continue – stop the dirty retribution crap for those clean hits.

  22. As the hit was perfect and legal, Kucherov should get a suspension – if the hit was dirty on the other hand, have at it

  23. If you're going to run around the ice like a chicken with his head cut off hitting every big name on the opposition you better be ready for what follows. His immediate turtle tells you all you need to know about Josh Davies. He'll fit right in on a Paul Maurice coached team.

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