@Bruins de Boston

Les joueurs de la LNH deviennent-ils trop bons au hockey ?

#hockey #nhl #bostonbruins Nous plongeons en profondeur dans l’évolution du hockey de la LNH et à quel point le jeu a changé. Veuillez consulter les chaînes qui nous ont aidés à rendre cette vidéo possible. Pinholes Graham : https://www.youtube.com/@UC0d8cab5r3RtZsIszJdn6jQ Le long du hockey sur glace : https://www.youtube.com/@UCLcX3MGvHIuQNiVlE2YJR5w Satoshi Takano : https://www.instagram.com/satoshi__takano?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA == Cette vidéo a également été largement inspirée de la vidéo de JxmyHighrollers « Are NBA Players Getting Too Good At Basketball » Regardez-la ici : https://youtu.be/NKrTSqZXOI8?si=a8OGtvR3GPpuLI3P


  1. I do agree) In current NHL to be a good player isn't enough. You have to be exceptional in some skill and always improving on others

  2. I think the slapshot was more relevant in an era where heavy wooden sticks were bad for a quick release. With the modern snapshot, you are sacrificing; if any at all, puck speed, for an unexpected quick release that catches the goalies off guard.

  3. The 1999 expansion draft killed depth in the league and subsequent expansion drafts furthered this making it hard for offenses to compete with the new system of team effort and defense first which was promoted by the league out of desperation to keep the league relevant and sustainable. The NHL changed from a competitive men's league from Canada to a corporate, American business solely. That's why goals were down and stayed down for the next 15 years+. No one ever wants to talk about expansion drafts because they all know they are garbage for the entertainment factor and competition of the league and are nothing more than a way to spread the NHL market as thinly as possible while keeping the teams afloat within their new realities of weaker teams needing more defense. Right now the NHL has had a lot of old talent mixing with new talent the same way the 80's talent mixed with the 90's talent to make a very dense player pool but that is going to change as players retire in the next 5-10 years. But the numbers still show the league isn't near where it was as far as offense. This will never be possible again due to rampant expansion.

    As a side note, people say that the 80's was a cake walk due to weaker goalies but the overall play style was weaker, less structure, the equipment was smaller and less effective and the hitting and hooking was way more of an obstacle. So I don't understand why people forget all the variables of the equation and just compare directly to modern times where the players are all trained athletes with rocket launchers who still can't beat the 80's/90's in offense. Hmmmm

  4. Love the videos but i just watched the same two ads every minute for 12 minutes. 24 ads. I respect the ad rev, but can we tone it down?

  5. well said goalies are really lagging imo like it’s been a while since we have seen an elite Canadian goalie

  6. Era of internet, online video and social media make it easier for new players to learn new skills online which wasn’t available back then. Even reviewing previous games (flohockey) and training can be captured easily using mobile phones.

  7. No mention of the rule change to clamp down on the hooking and interference? ….. increased rule enforcement has given fast high skilled players, big and small, opportunities for successful designed/set plays , now players can get to where they need to be setup or finish a play ………the hook was the skill field leveller .

  8. Take an entire decade and a half to dissolve a lot of the goalies equipment to provide more goal scoring. Look it worked….

  9. You're acting like the NHL didn't completely change the entire game to allow more goals and try and bring in new fans that don't even care about hockey. They nerfed the game to allow smaller faster guys to compete and goalies to be handicapped

  10. Give Bobby Orr modern skates or Al MacInnis a modern stick in their prime and see what skill they have. Or give Goalies from 80s and earlier pads not made of horsehair that got heavier when wet. Modern players like Matthews and Bedard would not be able to change angels and still get flex on their shots with old wooden stick. The skill of the game has increased but the technology in equipment is the real game changer. The time you spoke of when save percentages increased is when new light weight pads (and butterfly style) started to be used more regularly in the NHL. Technology has had the biggest influence on todays game.

  11. "The skill level today is the best it has ever been". Come back in ten years and read that as written and it will still be true. ie (as said by someone else) The players just keep getting better, the equipment keeps getting better and therefore the game keeps getting better. Or at least I think so, I prefer watching the fast skill game to the try and kill the opponent game of the 90s (and 90s hockey got me into hockey).

  12. Great video! One small correction, Jacques Lemaire stated the Devils didn't originate the Trap. He had played in that style as a member of the Habs in the 1970s. They just scored so much that nobody thought it was boring lol

  13. The equipment is the biggest changing factor. You give Gretzky today's skates and bendable sticks he'd score 200 goals a year. The Gretzky video vs McDavid made me think Gretzky was better as he was probably dealing with trash skates, bad ice, etc.

  14. Way to put Hasek and NOT Brodour. He's better then Roy who was a goalie on a fucking hall of fame/all start team. Same when he finally won in Colorado, not cause him cause they had Sakic, foresberg and a ton more. The devils had Brodour and Scott Stephen's and Kenny Danako, some very good offensive players but never had the most talented offensive players or crazy offensive skill guys. They had offensive guys that worked well as a line and they produced and played D and had great goal tending. Hell Patrick Elias isn't even the hall of fame and people who don't know the devils or r real hockey fans know him. Or only know gomez as a Ranger, or who Jamie Langenbrunner is, Jason arnott, Claude lemeux. But that's what happens to devils fans, they have more cups then some of the most loved franchises and fans that go crazy even though their team ain't won shit really (Rangers fans-1 cup you had NO business winning in the 1st place lol) or some other teams that dont have multiple cups let alone 1 and they treat the devils like their the red headed step children of the NHL. Well the next 5-8 years are gonna have some sweet devils hockey and I say at least 1 cup

  15. Just drafted a fantasy hockey team for the first time in 15 years and generally getting back into watching the game. The number and depth of quality players really does feel unrivaled by any other sport.

  16. Go watch even early 2000s playoff hockey. While more physical the game is played at a much slower pace. Goalies played a less refined version of the butterfly and you could tell differences. Every goalie now is pretty much identical in terms of positioning and style

  17. Honestly the biggest change was that you can’t hit people in the head. Obviously the people players are crazy good now, but the physicality isn’t in the game like it was before and if it was. I think you would see a lot of the skill disappear because violence will always win.

  18. Hybrid Sticks, Shrunk the goalies equipment, added the trapezoid, removed the 2 line offside pass, handcuffed the defenseman with rules….gee I wonder why scoring is up?

  19. Dwayne Roloson is not a fan of the RVH, from what I have heard. If I remember correctly he is on the record as saying it was developed for one play and is used in situations it isn't the best postiion to play from.

    Another thing is that it took skaters more than a decade to catch up to the use of personal skills coaches that goalies were using in the 80s, and 90s. Once they began working more seriously on their own skills they caught up to and probably have passed goalies in pushing the limits of the game. The use of goalie coaches was becoming more common in the 80s and 90s. When Adam Oates retired and became a Personal Skills Coach, it wasn't a common thing like using a goalie coach was.

  20. All valid points. Don't forget the elimination of hooking, holding, cross-checking in the paint on the PP (replaced by 'fronting'), the red line, physical intimidation, hockey sticks (I don't call what yhe players use now hockey sticks), …

    The other day I was talking to a guy about hockey and I said I don't watch hockey anymore because the players are too good now. The game has shifted to emphasis on individual skills and away from team.

  21. Great video. But should have mentioned the influence of Russian players in the 90s introducing the high level of skill and speed play exemplified by the Res Wings.

  22. Hand Speed vs. Leg Speed: Modern goalies often rely on their hand speed to make saves, which can be faster than using their legs. This is especially true in situations where quick reflexes are needed to catch or deflect the puck.

    80’s Goalies vs. Modern Goalies: Goalies from the 1980s were known for their incredible reflexes and often had to rely on their natural athleticism. Modern goalies, on the other hand, tend to use more structured techniques and positioning, which can sometimes make them appear more robotic.Hybrid Style:

    Pyotr Kochetkov is a great example of a goalie who combines traditional reflex-based goaltending with modern techniques. This hybrid style can be very effective as it doesn’t leave as many gaps for shooters to exploit.

    Russian Goalies: Goalies like Sergei Bobrovsky and Andrei Vasilevskiy are known for their exceptional reflexes and athleticism. They bring a dynamic style to the game that can be very exciting to watch.

  23. Practice is like 20 minutes of skating and the rest is just a goalie getting shot at a million times but no directions for the goalie.
    I'm lucky with my coaches but i know lots of kids that show up to goalie skills camp and their coaches never taught them anything.

  24. Players today have ample instances to get drilled, because the fear isn't there as much because hitting is down, and subsequent fighting is down. It'd be nice to see some big hits again and/or fights, the pure skill game isn't fun to watch without the potential of the other elements

  25. next revolution will be much braver defensemen, who are much more aggressive on the blue line, never give it up for free, while being great puck handlers and having immense vision, offensively and defensively. so many old dman don't have their head on a swivel even on a high level. it's gonna die out.

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