@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Hall] Brad Shaw a déclaré que la blessure de Nick Seeler prenait plus de temps que prévu. Après qu’une rondelle touche le nerf de la jambe, l’engourdissement peut s’atténuer en quelques heures, a déclaré Shaw. Mais celui-ci prend plus de temps. Les Flyers espèrent toujours qu’il pourra jouer lors du premier match de vendredi, mais ils le prennent toujours au jour le jour.

[Hall] Brad Shaw a déclaré que la blessure de Nick Seeler prenait plus de temps que prévu. Après qu’une rondelle touche le nerf de la jambe, l’engourdissement peut s’atténuer en quelques heures, a déclaré Shaw. Mais celui-ci prend plus de temps. Les Flyers espèrent toujours qu’il pourra jouer lors du premier match de vendredi, mais ils le prennent toujours au jour le jour.



  1. StubbornLeech07

    Looks like there may be a chance that Seeler isn’t ready for the season opener.

  2. BeefTacoTheMusical

    Every injury for the flyers tends to end up the worst-case scenario. Hope Nick has a speedy recovery. LGF

  3. surviveseven

    From day to day to week to week. Maybe we see Andrae sooner than later, although he is not a plug-in for Seelers style.

  4. Panarin10

    Feels like they could have started him on IR and then called up Andrae. Let the guy heal up.

  5. You probably bring up Ginning to plug a Seeler-shaped hole, not Andrae huh

  6. How many times in recent years have the Flyers had an injury take longer than they thought?

  7. FlyersLaForest

    Every single time a player gets banged up, they wake up the next morning with life alterting symptoms. Nothing is ever day to day anymore lol

  8. PwillyAlldilly

    Andrae time! Probably… maybe… he’s so much better than Ginning but expecting Ginning.

  9. zanothium

    Wishing Seeler a quick recovery. He’s been great with the Flyers.

  10. cjmaguire17

    Nick seeler, after taking clap bomb to leg, has lost his vision. He has also changed his name to Nicholas Ler. Unfortunate all around.

  11. So, in other words, funeral to be held on Thursday.

  12. nIxaltereGo

    Plus nerves take longer to heal/grow.

    Wish him a speedy recovery.

    I was more afraid of his ribs as I thought in that same shift, he laid out to block a shot and it looked like he caught on the side of his chest.

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