@Capitals de Washington

Liste complète des Almunis de la capitale de Washington participant aux festivités de demain (Alzner, Bondra, Kolzig, Zednik, Zubrus, Holtby, DSP, Green, Orpik, Knuble…, entre autres)



  1. Full list here
    Greg Adams, Karl Alzner, John Barrett, Peter Bondra, Bruce Boudreau, Rollie Boutin, Troy Brouwer, Matt Bradley, Tony Cassolato, Guy Charron, Chris Clark, John Druce, John Erskine, Eric Fehr, Tomas Fleishchmann, Lou Franceschetti.
    Yvon Lbre, Ron Lalonde, Rod Langway, Craig Laughlin, Mark Lofthouse, Paul MacKinnon, Dennis Maruk, Alan May, Paul Mulvey, Andrei Nikolishin, Steven Olesky, Brooks Orpik, Dave Parro, Matt Pettinger, Tom Poti, Errol Rausse, Ken Sabourin
    Other atendees include Bob Gould, Gary Green, Mike Green, Rick Green, Alan Hangsleben, Archie Henderson, Matt Herr, Braden Holtby, Doug Jarvis, Al Jensen, Calle Johansson, Brent Johnson, Kevin Kaminski, Dmitri Khristich, Ken Klee, Mike Knuble, Olaf Kolzig, Nick Kypreos, Jeff Shultz, Gordie Smith.
    Greg Smith, Devante Smith-Pelly, Dave Steckel, Blair Stewart, Brian Sutherby, Greg Theberge, John Thomson, Chris Valtentine, Aaron Volpatti, Ryan Walter, Ron Weber, Brian Willsie, Bernie Wolfe, Richard Zednik, Dainius Zubrus.

  2. No Semin. I’d have thought he’d be there, being Russian aside(unless since he no longer works here, it could very well be a visa issue), but all of the core of those teams look to be there

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