@Flames de Calgary

Je mourrai sur cette colline : c’était une bonne passe

Beaucoup de plaintes en ligne et quelques-unes entendues à la radio spécifiquement à propos de ce laissez-passer.

C’est exactement là que vous voulez laisser un laissez-passer pour un one-timer netfront. Directement vers le pied de tête pour que le tireur puisse s’y appuyer et le couvrir.

Si Huby le met sur la bande de Zarys (à environ un pied derrière ses patins à ce moment-là), il lui faut un peu plus de temps pour réussir le tir et un gardien de but de la LNH a une meilleure chance de se préparer et de réaliser l’arrêt.

Zary n’était pas prêt pour la passe et la passe a probablement été un peu précipitée puisque le défenseur était juste au-dessus d’Huberdeau avant la passe (et l’a frappé au visage avec son bâton mdr).

Quoi qu’il en soit, c’est là que vous voulez une passe dans cette situation et pointer cela comme un coup contre le gars est assez ridicule. Le mec se fait assez larguer sur lui (généralement pour de bonnes raisons) mais ce n’est qu’un match dans une nouvelle saison. On refroidit les jets en chiant sur le mec pour une passe parfaitement cromulente.



  1. fchappy49

    That’s a really really bad pass he was trying for a zary one touch redirect and zary was looking shoot they got crossed up

  2. Iginlas_4head_Crease

    Nah, it was a bad pass. But it shouldn’t matter, because huberdeau played a very good game and his night wasn’t defined by that pass

  3. JackieMoon919

    I haven’t seen anyone knocking Huby or this pass, haven’t seen any complaints either, We won the game and the subs been solid memes and positive vibes since then

  4. People on this subreddit will fall over themselves to defend Hubs. He played well but this was not a good pass.

    Zary was positioned perfectly to go far side if the pass was on the tape. It almost certainly would have been a goal as Silovs would have been sliding towards Zary after the pass. Part of making a good pass is reading your teammates positioning.

    Putting it on the lead foot would be fine if there was more space, if Zary was right handed, or if the pass intensity was dialled down to 80%. However, Hubs only has one pass and that is absolute rockets.

    There are less than 5 players in the show that would have any chance of getting a shot off with how the puck was delivered.

  5. Legitimate_Trust_933

    Terrible pass, it needs up closer to his back foot. Watch a clip of Leon.

  6. lastlatvian

    The video is way to crap, and the frames per second can’t even keep up with the puck — really simple, it’s a tap in pass, that’s fast… This is not a shot pass. If Zary got wood on it, bingo, if he needed to elevate it’s not a good pass.

    In those split seconds everyone on a keyboard not in the show is going to make their own points, and not actually understand that moment in time.


    PS: you can see huby is getting chopped during the pass, so it’s also a dumb take either way.

  7. Whole_Application578

    I agree with OP, better move for Zary is to move closer tot he far post while waiting for the pass, that area is too good to be wasted.

    benefit 1, he would be closer to the net, make the puck get to the net sooner

    benefit 2, by being a bit lower and more outside of the far post, it makes the goalie to turn move angle to be able to make a save,

    benefit 3, separating himself from Vancouver’s D, with D’s dive and poke, 1.5 stick length is not even safe.

    I don’t think Huby was under pressure to rush the pass, he made that pass toward the best position to score, but I don’t think Zary was thinking as much as Huby for this play.

    For people to call it a bad pass on just one player is not fair to me, as there’s passer and the receiver in the play.


    just my 2 cents

  8. lIlIllIlIlI

    This pass is clearly too far ahead. Zary literally could not be more ready for this pass and he is presenting his target to Huby. His stick isn’t tangled up like you said elsewhere. If it’s in his wheelhouse he wouldn’t have to stop it with his lead skate. A righty can lean into this shot, but it’s too far ahead for a lefty to get leverage. The video you keep linking isn’t even a great example, Zary is more like option 2 and the pass in that demonstration is slightly ahead too and a muffin, not a crisp tap in pass.

    No hockey player in Zary’s position wants that puck ahead of the lead foot. With more forward momentum sure you could get down on one knee but that’s more of a backdoor play where you’re not elevating it. I guarantee you Huby would put this on himself too rather than Zary.

    Try this on the ODR and see for yourself. I’ve defended Huby plenty and I thought he showed good jump last game, I’ve always thought he tries hard. But this is just an incorrect take sorry, the proof is right there in the play: a player of Zary’s calibre puts this on net with a proper pass.

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