@Flyers de Philadelphie

Je reviens également.

Je reviens également.



  1. Armageddon-666

    I was hoping to see you later but.. here we are again.

  2. aaknosom

    ahhh it’s that time again. time to pour one out

  3. Selectchrl

    Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to watch with you again.

  4. 0fmalice

    Do you think any Flyers have a burner reddit and they wonder what’s wrong with us?

  5. l_rufus_californicus

    Hi, llama! You’re too delightful and cute for me to not like you, but I have to admit that as wonderful as you are, I wish we weren’t hanging out.

  6. rerun6977

    Not who I wanted to wake up to ☹️

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