@Wild du Minnesota

Même les annonceurs ne pouvaient pas croire cet appel

Nous sommes dans une semaine dans la saison de la LNH, donc je déteste déjà me plaindre de l’arbitrage, mais lors du match Seattle Kraken contre Minnesota Wild d’hier soir, j’ai vu non seulement un arbitrage douteux, mais l’un des pires appels que j’ai jamais vu dans un match de la LNH. . Alors que le Wild a connu un début de match canon avec 2 buts d’avance, il a eu un coup de chance brutal en 2e période. Non seulement Larsson a attrapé Eriksson Ek avec un méchant coup de coude qui l’a vu quitter le match, mais cinq secondes plus tard, l’arbitre a fait un horrible appel. Tanev et Brodin sont descendus le long des planches dans ce qui était un voyage évident de la part de Tanev, mais non seulement il n’a pas été suivi, mais c’est en fait Brodin qui a été suivi pour avoir trébuché ! Bien sûr, Seattle allait ensuite marquer un but controversé qui sortait du patin d’Eberle dans ce qui pourrait être considéré comme un mouvement de coup de pied. C’était juste une séquence terrible pour le Wild en général, mais je couvre cela et le reste du match dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #nhl #hockey #faits saillants #minnesotawild #seattlekraken


  1. Hard call in real time on the trip. The elbow was incidental. But that goal was for sure a kicking motion, clearly not just a redirection with his skate.

  2. Not a fan of either team really, but seriously every ref in the league needs to lose their job. It's been a complaint across the league for several years and just getting worse. Fire them all and start fresh.

  3. Only things I can think of are the ref got the teams swapped. Or that from his angle, it appeared that Brodin stuck his leg out for a knee-knee, with his own leg braced. Not saying that is what happened, but I can see how a ref may have thought that if from the right angle.

  4. A pair of beer league refs would have done a better job than these two. That is the most brutal officiating that i have seen in a long time. Everyone misses a call now and then but not like this!

  5. Im pretty sick of how hockey refs insist on trying to make their calls "even" in the end, like you know the other team will for sure get a call if your team has had 2 calls. Or how they refuse to call bascially anything at all in the last few minutes of a game. Why cant it just be called straight, like a penalty is a penalty no matter what and dont make them up to even things out

  6. The refs r making absolutely horrible calls way too often and each season it seems to get worse!!? They'll stand there and literally watch a dude get punched in face and not call it but then seconds later a guy will be back checking trying to chase a guy down and he'll reach out with 1 hand on his stick and blade of his stick barely taps back of dudes glove and they call it slashing or hooking when neither happened!? Or sometimes they wint even barely tap guys glove, sometimes they'll just tap guys arm with stick to try to disrupt him and get called for slashing when they had 1 hand on stick and barely touched guy!!? Some of the shit they call is just ridiculous!!? They really need to fix way goalie interference and offside reviews r called too!? They're taking good goals off the board for the tiniest amount of contact with the goalie and half the time its the goalie who initiated the contact!!? They need to clarify exactly what shouid constitute goalie interference!? They cant be taking goals away for the smallest stuff that didnt really change what happened!? It should only be called if its absolutely clear that goalie didnt have chance to play his position and didn't have fair chance to make te save!? If theres minor contact but goalie is still able to play his position and sees shot coming and attempts to make save and it goes in it should count!? Or maybe they should make it so if theres significant contact and goal is scored within a set # of seconds of the contact then maybe call it goalie interference but only if goalie really wasnt allowed to play position and make save!? They gotta do something cuz lots of the goalie interference calls that have led to goals being taken away have been ridiculous!!? Also on offside reviews i think they need to give players lil leeway and benefit of the doubt in situations where guys skate is barely a fraction over line a millisecond b4 puck is cuz the player isnt gaining any kind of advantage from it!? The rule was created for situations where player is AGGREGIOUSLY offsides!!!! Not for teams to abuse and for them to zoom in and look for guys skates to be a fraction of an inch over the line half a millisecond b4 puck is!!? With the speed of the game that fraction of an inch doesnt change anything and doesn't give players any significant advantage!? I say as long as theyre skates r within an inch or so of line and puck enters fractions of a second afterwards then players should get benefit if the doubt and goals shoud count!!? As long as players arent Aggregiously over the line well b4 the puck it should be fine!!? The offside review thing is being abused and isnt reason rule was created and really it goes against spirit of the game to have teams abusing the rule to get good goals taken away!? They also should clarify better exactly what does and doesn't constitute slashing and hooking cuz lots of the crap they call as slashing or hooking is ridiculous!!?? I think its so ridiculous to be giving guys slashing penalties just cuz they whack stick on stick and knock guys stick out of his hand!!? That shouldn't be considered slashing unless they break players stick in half with the whack!!? That shouldnt be considered slashing cuz its WAY too easy for players to abuse and take advantage of it cuz then you'll just have guys barely holding their sticks so they easily get knocked out of their hands or you'll have guys just dropping their sticks when other players hit their stick!!? Its too easy for players and teams to abuse and take advantage of it!? The only way there should be a slashing call when its purely stick on stick contact is when 1 player breaks other guys stick by forcefully chopping down on it!!? And when its a situation where its a slash to players body/hands and arms it should only be called if theres a significant amount of force put into slash!? They cant be calling dudes for slashing cuz they barely tapped guy on arm with stick while back checking and only having 1 hand on stick!?

  7. Yeah the refs have lost all control , how bout that delay the game penalty on Marchand the other night when he flipped the puck over the glass… IN THE OFFENSIVE ZONE ! Some could argue he did it intentionally but as judge Judy would say “ that calls for you to know the operation of his mind “,..lol ( and if he was looking for a whistle all he had to do is flip it to the goalie and then skate in on him )

  8. That is a kicking motion. That puck was propelled forward by a skate moving forward. 2 minutes these refs should be ashamed of.

  9. So easy to criticize officiating……all the experts get on the zebra jersey and try doing a better job

  10. Nether of those plays are a penatly. Just like if a player shoots the puck and in his follow through the defending player gets a blade to the face. Larson was simply following through with his clear of the puck. He was at a weird angle because of where the puck was on the boards and Eriksson Ek just runs into it.

  11. Stupid call in the Flames/Oilers late in the game last night too. Empty net, long shot puck hits post and bounces straight out. They called icing yet the puck never crossed the goal line. Apparently refs and linesmen are pretty rusty after the summer break.

  12. Objectively a horrible call and it cost the Wild the game. Wouldn’t call it a kick but should have been a PP for the Wild.

  13. After dissecting the Rangers Utah game my analysis tells me the NHL is fixed just like the National Fake League – no way the Utah Hockey club (they don’t even have a real name yet) beats the Rangers unless the fix is in. Legalization of Gambling has destroyed all sports to the point it’s getting unwatchable. The refs are swaying outcomes along with other weird phenomena.. how about last year’s Stanley Cup. Florida should have won that Cup 4-0 but Vegas needed more games …. So the panthers laid down

  14. Refs need to start being disciplined more for bad and blatantly wrong calls. I don't care if it's a fast pace game and things get missed, that's why there's cameras everywhere. Absolute joke of a sport right now

  15. I think buzzer-beater goals that go in after time runs out should count as long as the puck left the shooter's stick before the buzzer.

  16. A.I. should be the new reality in refereeing. These are the reasons that it will come. until then, there will be corruption in sports.

  17. Whole sequence was a giant WTF. I'm fine with MN not choosing to go to the replay the way things were going they'd end up a man down again. But terrible officiating for that stretch.

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