@Red Wings de Détroit

La ligne de conversation – Derek Lalonde

Daniella Bruce et Ken Daniels s’assoient avec l’entraîneur-chef des Red Wings, Derek Lalonde, pour discuter de son parcours non conventionnel vers l’entraînement dans la LNH. Lalonde raconte ses années de gardien de but à l’université, son amour pour l’entraînement à tous les niveaux et ce que c’était que de ramener la Coupe Stanley dans sa ville natale de Brasher Falls, dans l’État de New York. Quelle est la chose qui pourrait enthousiasmer un Newsy typiquement équilibré ? Également dans cet épisode, nous découvrons l’approche analytique de Détroit, le noyau de leadership émergent de l’équipe et quelle classe du secondaire n’était pas la meilleure de Lalonde. Présenté par : Loi Figer


  1. He's gotta go. He's lost the room and the players are in open revolt against him at this point. Do you know how bad you have to be coaching for Pat Kane to complain about it in postgame, AFTER A WIN where he scores the game winner? Pat's been in the league 18 years now, you won't find any other comments in postgame like the ones he just made about Lalonde's system this year.

    Let the players play offense or face a full blown locker room mutiny and maybe a quick firing.

  2. Also, for anyone saying "But they're winning! and Playing such great defense!" These are fluke goalie wins. It is unsustainable. The team is being dominated in the play and in the chances literally about every game.

  3. Lalonde is such an “analytics” guy, what did analytics say about how bad everyone was last night.

    Other than Lyon

  4. Hope everyone who says fire Lalonde watched this interview. I dont believe he is a bad coach. I think we have soft players who dont try hard more than anything. What coach could come in and take us to new heights with this team? The only thing i will say is this whole dump and chase thing to get posession in the o zone is kind of getting old. Just bring the puck in the zone keep control and score. We did that twice yesterday and had one goal. The rest were dumps. I think newsey knows we do not have the skill to carry the puck in.

  5. I feel like Daniella doesn’t get enough credit on how incredible she is at interviews. She keeps the conversations smooth and no one ever has a hard time understanding her questions she seems very easy to talk to. Loved this interview. (And I don’t even have to say Ken is a legend and is absolutely the best but we all know that lol ) 👍🏼

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