@Red Wings de Détroit

Je ne suis pas sûr de ce à quoi il s’attendait

Qui n’aime pas un petit drame de la LNH au filet vide ? Eh bien, si c’est le cas, nous en avons eu une plutôt bonne hier soir ! Les Red Wings de Détroit ont accueilli les Devils du New Jersey dans ce qui a été un match frustrant pour les Devils. Bien qu’ils aient largement dépassé les Red Wings au tir, Détroit était embêtant car on pouvait sentir la frustration se préparer pour le New Jersey tout au long de la nuit. Tout cela a atteint son paroxysme en 3ème période où on a vu Dillon et Fischer entrer en jeu ainsi que Chiarot et Kovacevic. Ce qui s’est passé dans les dernières secondes du match a été mon point culminant de la soirée. Avec un filet vide, Rasmussen est allé sceller l’affaire lorsque Jack Hughes est arrivé sur la glace et a tenté de réussir un coup sûr. Hughes, le joueur beaucoup plus petit, s’est rapidement senti humilié lorsqu’il a touché la glace. Je couvre cela et tout le reste de ce match dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #faits saillants #nhl #newjerseydevils #detroitredwings


  1. Rasmussen stood over Hughes like Mohammad Ali In that famous photo. The way Hughes got up as if he was going to have a go told me he'd fail the concussion protocol.

  2. you missed dillon telling rasmussen that's he's "dead next game" a couple times on the devils feed 😆

  3. Devils must have been REALLY pissed to lose that game. They played 45 mins or so of really good hockey. The wings 15 mins of great play won the game on Talbott great net tending.
    Great video!!

  4. Awesome review and highlights of a great Wings game. The Moose’s goal. When you showed it I rewound it 15 times just to laugh some more. 🥳💩😆😆😆🥳

  5. HEY it's someone pronouncing Määttä almost correctly, as a Finn it's just weird hearing "Maada" all the time. (This time it was "Määdä" but it was RECOGNIZABLE)

  6. Hey man, i really love you videos, and your style of humour. I look forward to the weekly recaps from you and hockey psychology every weekend. Please keep it up man!

  7. The officiating on this one was just brutal. First the clear boarding on dillon which resulted in a roughing penalty for the devils. Then kovacevic gets slapped with a fighting major despite not dropping his gloves, nor throwing a single punch. Then the call on chiarot, although that one was clearly a makeup call for their earlier shenanigans. Then to top it all off, possibly to make up for the chiarot call, a clear tripping by raymond on hughes goes uncalled.

  8. I love the Red Wings. Just please don't beat up on my dumpy team this season as of late. I'd love to meet you boys in the playoffs if we make it. Keep killing it Wings

  9. Loved this recap! But you should’ve mentioned Noesen’s attempt to injure Edvinsson after the empty net goal at the end. He literally pulls Edvinsson’s arm towards him and hits him as hard as he can across the elbow joint. Should’ve been a suspension that imo.

  10. Hughes is a clown

    He had a bah mitzvah

    what else would you expect?

    NOT a man

    He is already attacking Keefe and acting like a real primadonna

    I despise the Jughes girls

    Regarding the wings

    Who the hell would live in that ghe tto?

    newark vs detroit is ghetto hockey

  11. that was a hit from behind, you think it's clean that's fine. I never even sniffed juniors, but if someone hit my teammate like that in the corner, you could assume something was coming their way the next time they stepped on the ice. You could see the numbers, and he threw him into the boards. One way or another, I would've been gunning for Fisher in this game or the next.

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