@Red Wings de Détroit

Discussion générale quotidienne – 18 septembre 2022

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  1. big_phat_gator

    The forwards in our prospect pipeline is a real snooze fest, jurys still out on Kaspers offensive production even tho its looking promising. We are going to hope that Seider and Edvinsson turns into a 80 point defensmen and that we can flip Wallinder or something for some high end offense.

  2. Helm_Hands

    Got a chance to go to the prospect tournament game last night. Had good seats, we sat second row on the end Detroit defended twice.

    Funny story about Söderblom, I’m at the game with my brother. He doesn’t follow the prospects that closely, but he’s close enough to be aware of them. He turns to me at the beginning of the second and says something to the effect of not getting the hype about Söderblom, “he’s barely noticeable out there.”Within seconds, almost right on cue, Söderblom slams home that one timer right in front of us. Hahahaha. My brother turns to me and gives me the should I put my foot in my mouth now look. No words were or needed to be exchanged. Beginning of the next period, he springs Hanas on his almost breakaway goal with a red line to center ice, no look, tape to tape pass that included a little sauce on it for good effect. Again right in front of us.

    Moral of the story, sleep on Elmer at your own peril.

    Even though we didn’t get the win, I still had a blast. We have lots to be excited about fellow Wings fans. Have a great day.


  3. xenonwarrior666

    People gotta come to terms with the fact that we don’t have a Matthews or McDavid.

    Also Matthews hasn’t done shit in the playoffs and McDavid doesn’t have a cup or finals appearance.

    If we can have an A+ defense and roll 3 solid lines we’ll probably do well in the post season.

  4. PeskyPrussian

    Finally got up to TC for a prospect tournament

    My random, short, unsolicited opinions on prospect tournament performances:

    Cossa and Bednar: both looked excellent and well controlled in net.

    Lombardi: shifty, smart, fun to watch on the puck. Sees the ice really well. Tries to do too much sometimes.

    Johanssen: excellent defensive stick, steals pucks and breaks up rushes before they happen. Intelligent in jumping into plays.

    Soderblom: impossible to take the puck from him (at least, for other prospects). He is excellent at gaining the zone and has great instincts in all zones. Throws his body in front of shots too which is scary.

    Edvinsson: powerful skater, perfect at zone entries, heads up passer. Ran the PP pretty effectively. Also incredibly nonchalant in his own zone. Super fun to watch but if he played like this weekend in an NHL game he’d be benched pretty fast. Unless he gets a fire lit under him during training camp and starts sticking with people in his own zone he’s probably not up in Det to start the season.

    Tyutyayev: little bulldog with skill, maybe my favorite to watch. He’s small but strong and is willing to drop his shoulder and drive the net. Forechecks like a demon. Also hilarious, dancing, messing with teammates, playing the crowd. He had a moment in the Friday game where he tossed the puck to a ref but the ref didn’t see and just skated right past him. Kiril froze there with his hand in throwing position for like 5 seconds. Instant crowd favorite if he ever makes the team.

    Biakabutuka: for a last second invite he was excellent this weekend. Powerful, awesome breakout passes, aggressive defending, terrifyingly hard slapper. Based purely on this weekend I’d say he deserves a contract somewhere.

    Could keep prattling on but I’m tired of typing

  5. elvishblood_24

    Last I saw we were winning last night, what happened??

  6. danakinskyrocker

    Are the Lions going to make me watch them this year? This game is actually entertaining.

    I can’t wait for the return of regular season Wings GDTs.

  7. ForkzUp

    My Sun Devils got beaten 30-21 by Eastern Michigan last night. Needless to say, the mood isn’t rosy here in Tempe at the moment.

    Edit: And we just fired Herm Edwards.

  8. MajorasShoe

    Is the nhl shop not selling addidas jerseys anymore? Just Fanatics?

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