@Ligue nationale de hockey





  1. Watrbouy

    Because it’s preseason and winning the East still doesn’t guarantee they make it past the first round

  2. pongomanswe

    Because they often perform well in the regular season?

  3. Routine_Inevitable98

    The most popular teams will often be given lower odds than they deserve as the most money will be placed on those teams, not because they are the best. This reduces the liability for the company. As sports interaction is a Canadian company it makes sense for them to cut the price of Toronto.

  4. throwing_snowballs

    These are betting odds not actual probabilities of winning. These numbers are all about making money for the betting houses. If more people are betting on Toronto then the odds of them winning goes down.

  5. Gillalmighty

    How are the flyers on the list at all

  6. tendygoods

    I’m looking at that Detroit/Ottawa dark horse… might have drop a little coin 30:1 ain’t bad

  7. I mean Florida and Tampa got worse. Leafs pretty much stayed the same. They won with sub .900 goaltending. Not a stretch that they “can” win the East. I doubt they do though.

  8. brownliquid

    Because they’ve been a top 5 team in the regular season for 3-4 years now, and they continue to be a top 5 team.

  9. LowertownLizard

    I think odds are based on betting patterns. Leafs have a large fanbase, more people that bet on them.
    The Dallas Cowboys are like this. So many cowboys fans bet on them that their odds favour Dallas winning more than they should. Leafs should be one of the favourites in the east, but Tampa should have better odds.

  10. BoysenberryAshamed59

    Because it makes the inevitable collapse funnier.

  11. Striking-Bell8314

    Because they’re a fucking good team

  12. Woodrovski

    Im just surprised Montreal is as high as they are.

  13. TraderJoesHummus69

    If you’re complaining about it, just drop some money on the team who you think will win.

  14. AshCan10

    If I had to pick a team that is most likely to win the east it would be the Leafs… Don’t know why this surprises people, of course anything could happen, but the Leafs look like the best team on paper

  15. SpergSkipper

    Because it pisses you people off and its hilarious

  16. KC00per

    Probably because they are amazing in regular season. Favorites to win East. Favorites to have 1st round exit.

  17. Carolina_913

    Because they’re favored every year

    And on paper they technically should be

  18. BillMcCrearysStache

    Because odds makers dont care about cringey nerds on reddit circle jerking about them with first round jokes

  19. Front-Strong69

    Because it’s Toronto analysts

  20. Interplay29

    Cause they are a well rounded team.

  21. not_essential

    Because it makes it more fun to watch them fail.

  22. Are you just mad at your Western Conf. teams results ..



  23. Vivid_Caterpillar_65

    Why wouldn’t they be?

  24. jimmy697845

    These are odds for best golf teams

  25. Mabelisms

    They are always favoured and they always blow it

  26. CamaroWRX34

    It’s pre-preseason, and the Leafs are the NHL’s version of an SEC college football team — they will be ranked very highly before a game is played, and then slowly fall throughout the season?

  27. BMBenzo

    This sub has to have the dumbest questions

  28. hackmastergeneral

    Because the Leafs are usually a powerhouse in the trailer season, even if they tend to suck in the playoffs

  29. Brookie069

    It really isn’t that unbelievable… my vote is personally Carolina though. Tampa has played a ton of hockey in the past 3 years, they ain’t gonna go all out for regular season success, doesn’t really matter where they place they got another playoff level.

    Could see Calgary winning the west, but most likely will be Colorado.

  30. … because they’re one of the best teams in the East?

  31. SnooSquirrels7894

    I’d put a nice amount on the islanders to win at 19:1, I smell a bounce back year

  32. Clem1719

    Ur an oilers fan. Ur team legit has taken guys Toronto let go of for years (Barrie, Campbell etc) ur on a high horse over making the conference finals against the weaker division. Pretty embarrassing

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