@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Tous les faits saillants du tournoi Traverse + Perspectives

Tous les buts de Traverse City + faits saillants de Kirill Dolzhenkov **St. Buts du match de Louis**

[Dumais #1 vs. STL](https://streamable.com/wi8p7i)

[Dumais #2 vs. STL](https://streamable.com/edvjwg)

[Knazko vs. STL](https://streamable.com/3l2ekv)

[Hawel vs. STL](https://streamable.com/5cnbn0)

[KJ vs. STL](https://streamable.com/otzpf3)

[DBB vs. STL](https://streamable.com/xs9hvz)

[Marchenko vs. STL](https://streamable.com/thg11i) **Objectifs du jeu de Detroit**

[KJ vs. DET](https://streamable.com/zsm4we)

[Marchenko vs. DET](https://streamable.com/bympnr) **Objectifs du match de Toronto**

[Jiricek Goal](https://streamable.com/wr2wzp)

[Dumais Game Tying](https://streamable.com/bbsden)

[Marchenko GWG](https://streamable.com/bb3gv0) ** Jeu Dolzhenkov à 3 points **

[Dolzhenkov Power Play Goal](https://streamable.com/j2uxl1)

[Dolzhenkov Assist #1](https://streamable.com/vse8uu)

[Dolzhenkov Assist #2](https://streamable.com/h9cwna) **Dolzhenkov 5e match consécutif avec point**

[Dolzhenkov Goal](https://streamable.com/zv28lg)



  1. Hugo_Stiglitz95

    Thank you. I plan to sit down and watch all these at some point.
    Your work here is underappreciated for sure.

  2. words_of_nerd

    Always grateful for these highlights. Thank you for the work you do to give us all these clips!

    Also is Dolzenhkov apparently insane? Or is he just too big and skilled for the MHL already?

  3. So did they stop advancing past the group stage for this tournament after the pandemic? I miss when we’d make the finals every year

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