@Blackhawks de Chicago

J’essaie comme je peux, je ne me souviens pas qu’il ait joué pour les Hawks

J’essaie comme je peux, je ne me souviens pas qu’il ait joué pour les Hawks



  1. pucksnsticks0409

    Never amounted to much but was with them around 2005 2008

  2. Libraryitarian

    He was. Decent skater, but per usual hawks route didn’t step his game up until he played on a tougher team. Then actually had a few good seasons on the Flames.

  3. funployee

    Couple decent seasons with the Flames. Shit attitude with the Hawks.

  4. Total_Dork

    ~~Boston Bruins~~ Chicago Blackhawks legend ~~Ray Bourque~~ Rene Bourque

  5. tortoise_tourist

    I remember Rene. I also remember the game against Columbus when he took a slash to the throat by a skate blade.

  6. danburke

    Anyone know what’s up with that patch? Looks like “WWW” but it could be three people too?

  7. DavidLindhagen79

    They had a picture of him above the escalator behind section 319 until about 2015. Never forget the legend

  8. Euripidoze

    He looked like he had a ton of potential but seemed to be not up to the effort it takes to excel in the nhl. Anyone who doesn’t work his ass off, regardless of his talent level, fades away quickly at that level.

  9. xport01

    Didn’t he score 20-odd goals with the Hawks his second season?

  10. hokieseas

    Saw him have an amazing season here in Norfolk with the Admirals, feel like he was constantly hurt when he was pulled up to Chicago.

  11. captaintinnitus

    He was a big part of the game that marked the very beginning of the ‘dynasty’. I’m referring to the 5-0 deficit comeback win against the Flames. I forgot what year and I forgot what he did in that game, but he was a part of it for sure

  12. Thudmonkey91

    I feel like I remember him breaking his hand blocking a shot

  13. threechimes

    I remember when he was drafted and part of the Hawks “killer B’s” group in their pipeline to the pro team. Counter to what some here said, I thought he was ok as a young player making his way in the league. Thought he may be a dependable 3rd liner with time, but was never enamored enough with his game to be bummed with the trade that sent him away.

  14. Spam_Halen_1984

    I recall him playing around 2005-2006.

  15. obeseoprah

    He was part of the dark times, when Mark Bell and the ghost of Daze were the premier forwards. The nachos cost more than a ticket and the most entertaining part of the night was usual Barnaby fighting someone.

  16. jackcimino

    I remember going to all the Jewels when guy’s like him and Ruutu and John Dowd were signing autographs before probably the 05/06 season. He was supposed to be the next big thing

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