@Bruins de Boston

Premier tour, Gm 4 : Hurricanes @ Bruins 5/8 | Séries éliminatoires de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Hurricanes de la Caroline aux Bruins de Boston


  1. When the announcer says Deangelo grows his stick at Marchand like a bad sport that he is. Is good GO BRUINS🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻

  2. As a Canucks fan with no skin in the game, I just want to say that that goal was 100% goalie interference. Must be nice Bruins fans to have the NHL on your side 😉

  3. Well if the canes lose the series Tony DeAngelo will have plenty of time to see a therapist for his anger issues

  4. Mark my words this will be a nail bitter 7 game series. I love my bruins but we should be alot better than this lol

  5. these are finally the boston bruins i know. they're coming back👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  6. Throwing a stick anytime during competition (including after the game is over) used to be a bad thing… a 5 minute major carried over into the next game!

  7. Amazing how people refuse to see what actually occurs — even in super-slow motion replays!!
    The DeBrusk goal was good. He did push the goalie's left pad, then switched to the front where the puck sat for way too long, and Jake tapped it in. Touching the pad had no bearing on the outcome. That puck was in the open for all to see the whole time. What the goalie should have done is what most goalies do when they can't see the puck — lie down and spread your wings!!

  8. re: Carolina success story I keep hearing about. Brind'Amour is NOT the guy to praise. He merely remained coach and did a reasonably okay job to keep that job long enough for the front office to build a competitive team (using their own twisted logic). If coach has any redeeming value in this, it's his ability to put lines together on the fly. The rest happened in spite of Rod's faults. Something coming through loud & clear in his players are similarities to Rod's old habits of starting things he couldn't finish. Coach didn't get that nose winning his instigated fights!

  9. This series feels like two siblings fighting. the canes had the upper hand but now the bruins are fighting back just as hard

  10. it's funny how most people think Boston is a dirty team, yet the first two games Carolina got away with so much hacking, cross checking, holding and interference. Where's Aho's $5000 fine???? Forbert got one for the same thing a few nights ago. Where's the fine for throwing the stick?

  11. The reaction to the empty netter is exactly why Carolina doesn't deserve to win the cup. Who in the NHL throws a stick like that aside from the timbit's that come on the ice in between periods.

  12. Hah DeAngelo throwing his stick is like some road hockey $h!t. Someone's on a breakaway and you just see 2-3 sticks come flying up. Then the person, annoyed, stops and declares an automatic penalty shot.

  13. Please Carolina finish this series at home so we won't have to listen to that terribly annoying slow speaking voice of Jack Edwards anymore, I beg you!

  14. Ahhh nothing brings a smile to your face like the hurricanes using the bees as toilet paper

  15. Im a bruins fan, going back to the Bobby Orr days. But that 2nd goal of the Bruins should have been waved off. The Bruin came in and if you look close and slow things down, he pushed the goalies left leg pad out of the way before he even got near the puck. One of the NHL channel replay commentators did see that and he was right. Yes the puck was loose and alive, but you can't interfere with the goalie as they did.

  16. Agreed, Deangelo shows poor sportsmanship by throwing the stick at the end of the game. Emotions are high but no excuse for that garbage. It just adds more positivity to the bruins. On the other hand, Edwards has no room as usual to make these comments as the bruins are the epitome of sore losers.
    Also thought the goalie was interfered with on the bruins goal as Debrusk clearly shoved his leg. But as usual, bad calls are made and Im sure youtube will sound off on this one

  17. Carolina's player's last name is fast, Lol 😆 😂 🤣 😄 😜 what if Bruins won the series, not so fast, get it? 🤣

  18. gma e 5 is so rigged. these calls are targetting our most important players. completely giving scoring chances to the canes. i think we should just crush someone until the league doesnt want them to advance. if theyre gonna rig games theyre gonna have to play playoff hockey.

  19. “And DeAngelo poor sport he is throws his stick at Marchand” ….Marchand: also punched Jarry for saying one sentence

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