@Red Wings de Détroit

Colorado Avalanche vs Detroit Red Wings –  » Brawl in Hockeytown  » – 26 mars 1997 (NHL Classic)

Suivez mes mises à jour vidéo YouTube sur Twitter. http://twitter.com/HockeyWebCast La bagarre Detroit Red Wings-Colorado Avalanche était une mêlée à grande échelle sur glace qui s’est produite le 26 mars 1997 au Joe Louis Arena de Detroit, Michigan, États-Unis, entre deux joueurs de la Ligue nationale de hockey. rivaux, les Red Wings de Detroit et l’Avalanche du Colorado. La bagarre a été surnommée Bloody Wednesday , Fight Night at the Joe , The Blood Game et Brawl in Hockeytown , découle d’un précédent incident sur glace entre les deux équipes lors de la finale de la Conférence de l’Ouest de 1996 . Les équipes se sont combinées pour neuf combats, 11 buts, 39 pénalités, 148 minutes de pénalité, un tour du chapeau, une « tortue » et deux gardiens champions de la Coupe Stanley se sont affrontés dans un thriller en prolongation.


  1. Best rivalry in all of sports, i like hockey, dont love it, but i respect the shit out of this. Brutality at its finest.

  2. Attempted murder reduced to double minor penalty, who is McCarty attorney?

  3. I just watched the Unrivaled documentary, and as an unbiased observer who didn’t grow up with any of this, the Red Wings definitely come across as more villainous. Mainly because there is regret now on the Avalanche side, and not on the Red Wings side. But both sides behaved shamefully.

  4. "The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences." I know this YouTube…. I wouldn't have searched for this brawl if I wasn't aware of this exact fact.

  5. Dam I wish I watched this game live and I'm not even a hockey fan denfently showing my hockey buddy from Detroit lets go wings

  6. I will always wonder why Draper let McCarty stand up for him with a cheap shot instead of doing it himself.

  7. I used to be a lunatic hockey fan during this time and before. Now the NHL is sterile by comparison.

  8. a fight and a game winning goal should forever be known as a "Darren McCarty hat trick"

  9. Teenage mutant ninja Avalanche. I do wish Drapes would have poked Claudette as he passed by the bench.

  10. "The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences." Who the fuck is running YouTube now?

  11. Claude Lemieux is a pussy. I hope that his burial site gets put on find-a-grave so that one day I can take a road trip to spit on his headstone.

  12. This reminded me of that old Goofy cartoon episode where the players only fight the entire game haha

  13. Не люблю драки в спорте, но этот бой был нужен Детройду! Тут нет Русских или Американцев! Тут одна единая команда! Одна! Без национальности! Только один флаг красных крыльев!

  14. I remember this game.

    301 days we waited for it.

    Too bad Lemuix turtled like a bitch hah

  15. Darren McCarty said hockey players have long memories.

    I still hate Colorado because of that hit on Draper

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