@Red Wings de Détroit

Café avec Carley | Elmer Söderblom

Carley Johnston s’entretient avec l’espoir des Red Wings, Elmer Söderblom, pour parler de famille, d’enfance, du Championnat du monde junior 2022 et plus encore dans un tout nouvel épisode de Coffee with Carley, présenté par Tim Hortons.


  1. Gin-Doe-Braa from the Detroit Pollock shop smart. Shop K-mart that is how old my Family is in Detroit. Or Army of Darkness is funnier than what I said. But in the movie they say S-mart not K-mart hahahaha.

  2. Love these interviews. Carley brings such a good vibe to this org. Love the wings!!!

  3. He almost scored the same goal in the prospects game against Dallas. Great looking kid. There's a Swedish poster who has a YouTube around 26 minutes or so on Soderblom that's really worth a watch. Gives you a great deal of info as to what you might expect from this lad. Wonder if he qualifies for the NHL stick length exception ? I do believe he's a keeper.

  4. definitely by favorite prospect, can't wait to see him play in the NHL when he's ready, and then see him raise the cup. Will definitely be buying a white Söderblom sweater!

  5. The Mailman? Maybe call him AirMail instead, since he stands about 25,000 feet in the air.

  6. Great interview!! Glad you decided to do it seated as Elmer looks like a giant sat down let alone stood up!! Best of luck to him, he's come an awful long way so far and not many 6th round picks make it to the NHL and I really hope he does – all the right signs are there so fingers crossed for him!

  7. Elmer a fellow Swede by the name of Lars Thorsell has given you a much cooler name than the 'mailman'. Lars has dubbed thee Lord Elmer "The Towering Behemoth" Söderblom

  8. why do i feel like all Swedish family's belong in magazines 🤣 how tf all yall look good? 🤣🤣

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