@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Désavantage numérique de l’année par les Sénateurs d’Ottawa

Les Sénateurs d’Ottawa ont montré du jeu en tête-à-tête après avoir pris une infraction de trop d’hommes, tiré leur propre décision et utilisé cet avantage pour tuer leur pénalité initiale.


  1. For all those below in which are asking for an understanding. The Detroit Red wings (Red Team) had a powerplay due to Ottawa receiving a penalty. This means Detroit now has the man advantage. 5 on 4 in giving them greater odds to score. How ever Detroit then received a penalty. Ottawa Senators pulled there goalie for the extra man in now making it 5-5. They used this time to then keep the puck away from Detroit in using up almost all of Detroit's 2 minute powerplay. Had Detroit touched the puck during that whole time, The whistle would have been blown and Ottawa's power play would have been reduced due to Detroit still having there power play. So Ottawa played keep away long enough to burn Detroit's powerplay So Ottawa could have there powerplay with Detroit being short a man.

  2. Don’t really know much about hockey but i know they usually have an empty net when they are losing in the 3rd period , so why did they have an empty net in the 2nd period ?

  3. It's cool how one player started doing it and then his teammates read his mind and they all jumped on the same objective without saying a word.

  4. Good clip but title misled me. Yeah they were on a pk but that was 5 on 5 hockey. I wanted to see some rockets from the point blocked or something

  5. The only way to top it is by scoring in the last few seconds

  6. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved
    And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion they should believe a lie;
    That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness
    2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 Holy Bible
    I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but through me
    (words of Holy Jesus the Saviour) John 14:6 Holy Bible+

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