@Panthers de la Floride

Kevin Spacey en chair et en os lors du match des Panthers de la Floride

Samedi soir, ce n’était pas Spacey dans l’espace, c’était Spacey dans la maison. L’acteur Kevin Spacey, l’inspiration derrière la tendance d’après-match des Panthers de la Floride, était sur place pour regarder les Cats. http://www.foxsports.com/florida


  1. I remember my dad was there the night that'd happened. He and I had partial season tickets but I'd moved to NYC the year before, so he went with his girlfriend. At the time I was so jealous bc I was such a fan of Kevin Spacey and as an actor, I looked up to him a lot. I remember thinking "Wow this hugely successful actor came to some random hockey game in Florida just for the meme, how cool!"

    The following year when the truth came out about him, I realized he probably went to get the free chance to see a bunch of young, fit, athletic guys in the locker room after… yuck.

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