@Islanders de New York

Aperçu de la saison 2022-23 des Islanders de New York

Les îles ont eu un long voyage sur la route pour commencer la saison, puis une situation difficile à domicile qui s’est avérée trop difficile à récupérer. Cette saison pourrait être meilleure. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour accéder aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_AFyA9FqrZ57bb9QRH77wg/join (Mise à jour) Utilisez le code « thgsentme » sur Bench Clearers pour 15 % de réduction :: https://benchclearers.com/ ?aff=7&fbclid=IwAR17EPrmSq70Qy24SEfLQo6TNUng_5fkdhl-4Afcmjo6vd2lyp9diuCtKFA Commandez des maillots chez Ben H Sports tout en économisant 10 % sur les prix eBay indiqués en lui envoyant un e-mail concernant les maillots que vous repérez dans ses annonces. ben.hoogenband@yahoo.ca Dis-lui juste que Shannon t’envoie. Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy Rejoignez le serveur Discord : https://discord.com/invite/thehockeyguy?fbclid=IwAR0lJA5oRBUNjF0Summt6Dm72vPinjGfv7OMisjM66nan9giCjTMXWycZuM https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/ Follow moi sur Twitter : @thgofyoutube Instagram : thgshannon TheHockeyGuy.yt@gmail.com Contactez-moi par courrier postal à : The Hockey Guy PO Box 15038 Seven Oaks PO Abbotsford, BC V2S 8P1 Aux États-Unis : Shannon Skanes 1125 Fir Avenue Suite 119 Blaine, WA 98230


  1. As an isles fan I wish we could commit to ripping it apart. What do we have to build from. 1 good forward and a great goalie but I don’t see how this team actually improves with the management and contracts. I’m ready for a mediocre season where we aren’t bad enough for Bedard but will miss the playoffs by a bit and Lou will trade a top 10 pick for a bottom 6 grinder. Yay

  2. They will be fine. Don’t be surprised to see a vanek style trade in season if things are stale. People forget this team has fantastic D and G, there’s no slouches up front either you have 4 lines full of solid B grade to A grade talent. The depth and backend is what floats this team. Lambert will implement trotz system but will open up the offense a bit. If I had to bet they make the playoffs. What happens from there is anyones guess.

  3. Part of me wonders just how many people voting that they aren’t making the playoffs just didn’t actually watch Isles games last year (which, given their style, wouldn’t surprise me much). Bad start to the season, road trip, injuries, but everything on this board otherwise says they should be a good team. Goaltending, defense, down the middle. All they need to do is figure out how to score without changing their game.

  4. Rangers fan here, I’m confident these will still be tough gamed for NYR. High octane offense and Shesty vs a pretty tough defense and Sorokin in net. I think they could compete with the aging Caps and Pens for a playoff spot, but we shall see.

  5. The Islanders are definitely a bubble team in terms of the playoffs. You'd have to decide who from last year drops. Perhaps the Bruins regress enough to let them in; or the aging Penguins fall in the standings, as I think is likely.

    Their defense is good enough to keep the scores low, and surely several of their forwards underachieved last year.

  6. Simply not having Chara in a top 6 roll next season should win them about 10 more games. He's had a tremendous career, no doubt, but no way should he have been playing every night on a regular shift. That plus Sorokin doing his thing should get them back to the playoffs again. They're definitely not gonna give up a lot of goals…

  7. I expect kind of a bottoming out, if for no other reason than the Metro's tough and somebody has to lose.

    Three other reasons would be advanced age, novice offense, and no Trotz.

  8. I think they're a good team. Sorokin is just about as good as Shesterkin. If they could just pick up a wing who can get them 30 goals, I think they'd be dangerous. They're just barely missing it. Kessel might not be a bad pick up for them. He didn't score many goals last year, but his point total was pretty darned good for an old guy on a bad team. Lou traded him out of Toronto, so maybe he's not a Lou guy. But I think there were extenuating circumstances there beyond the player's performance, and they must have some kind of connection through USA Hockey, so maybe Lou gives him a shot. I'd like to see it, and Nathan's at Coney island isn't too far away, so it fits the Kessel Hot Dog memes.

  9. It's hard when NHL GMs have to deal with assessments of failure or success based on whether dartboard rumors come true or not.

  10. Not a lot of changes here. Not beginning 2022-23 with a 13-game road trip during which they began an 11-game winless streak will be key to improving on 2021-22 I'm thinking.

  11. I think 'Prove People Wrong' will again be the mantra. This team likes the underdog role. When everyone including Melrose picked them for the Cup last year, they were jinxed. This team still has young talent. Barzal, Beauvillier, and Wahlstrom should all be improved from last year with Lambert behind the bench. If the Isles can ever find a way to get rid of Josh Bailey for a high-scoring winger, they will be right back in business. Defense and goaltending are among the best in the league. So scoring doesn't have to be prominent.

  12. I'll just be interested to see if standing pat and doing next to nothing in the offseason will bear fruit. On one hand, it shows incredible confidence in the team. On the other, it looks lazy and uninspiring.

  13. breaking news. our players(Islanders) are aloud to use wheelchairs during games….my prediction bottom3 in eastern conference

  14. Worried but not ready to jump off the cliff like most isles fans. Could the isles have got better? Sure, but let’s see how this plays out. If they’re hot you can’t rule out a mid season trade.

  15. For the Islanders last year everything that could go wrong did go wrong.

  16. I think the Islanders are an interesting team. If they can rebound from last season and maybe make a trade in season for a scoring wing they can make some noise come playoff time. Or maybe Walstrom or Believue wake up & score 20-25 goals a piece.

    To me, on MAJOR thing that has to happen is Lambert needs to allow Barzy to be the player he was that first year in the league. Stop being a pass first center and shoot the puck more. With his skill there is no way he shouldn't be getting 80-90 points a year.

    To me, the defense and the goaltending are what's going to keep the Islanders in games this season. If this team can somehow score some goals they are going to be VERY dangerous in the Metro

  17. Solid report. The wild card to me is how Lambert’s style will turn out, and how the team will respond.

  18. I think the Isles have one of the most solid cores in the NHL…that’s the only thing Lamoriello has done for this team!! Lou disappointed all of us by not signing a true scorer that could lead this team and make everyone better-like a Johnny Gadreau…he did bolster their blue line which I’m very happy about. The Isles will make the playoffs at 3rd or 4th in their division. Let’s go ISLES!!!!

  19. I heard that the Yankees were closing in on JT Miller as the deadline approached. When Cashman was approached about why the deal fell through he quipped "Ask Vancouver" . Lol

    The Islanders have gotton back to being strong defensiely. Romanov teplaces Chara n the second pairing and Mayfield replaces 40 year old Andy Greene. Combined with Sorokin, who could have a Shesterkin type year, the Isles only need to marginally improve their scoring and pray no team wide covid hits that the league ignores, until the isles get healthy but other teams are hit and league shuts down..

  20. Thanks for this brotha. As a diehard Isles fan, I'm not worried. I actually WAS worried when I heard the very close-to-confirmed reports by 'experts' that we were about to get Kadri… noooo thanks. Really wanted Gaudreau, though not at a crazy price – but oh well. There's still time for moves, as Lou is always covert with his plans, but I also feel great about our team as-is. They are a damn good team, with damn good character players who've been through a lot.

  21. Its going to be a very interesting year for the Isles. They should land 3rd or 4th, and if healthy, will be dangerous in the playoffs with their stellar D and goalkeeping.

  22. Honestly voting the Isles 5th is still a vote for them to make the playoffs.. expecting the Metro to get both wild card spots…

  23. You should make a trip to UBS. Great atmosphere and despite the bad start it seemed like the crowd was electric on a nightly basis

  24. Did you know that Lou is a minority owner of the Yankees….baseball rumors are possible! Lol.

  25. I think a lot is going to depend on giving the young forwards a chance and sitting Bailey and Beauvillier (ok he's young too) if/when they are not producing. Even way down on the 4th line slot in the younger Johnston for Martin. I think Palms and JGP were playing hurt a good deal of last year. I really expect a more dynamic offense if even just a couple of guys can get back to normai/high production instead of downright dismal. I think Trotz was let go because he was impeding the young talent, especially Wahlstrom, so it would not make sense to not use the young talent a lot more this year. Worst case scenario is that we miss the playoffs but have clarified the roster for the following year (and cleared cap space). I'm hopeful. I also would have lived with signing Kadri but I prefer this.

  26. No chance they make the playoffs this season. People are still obsessed with their two COVID seasons. No one cares. They cannot handle 82 games especially with the most pathetic offense in the league

  27. Confident this is a playoff team but come April will they be capable of a run or a vet team capable of playing the first two rds only.

  28. I feel a little optimistic this season because we have good depth, defense and goaltending, but a part of me feels that the Eastern Conference is too tough to make the playoffs. But I think if they play well this year and make the playoffs, they can go for J.T. Miller at the deadline. I feel really confident in the defense, and especially Soroking, however I have fears with goal scoring. To me, that’s going to rely on wether Barzal, Beauvillier, and Wahlstrom up their game. I think it’ll be an interesting season and definitely an exciting one if it goes well.

  29. Isles are built for the playoffs. Problem is will they make it. As a fan, both years we went deep I would not have expected it during the regular season. Then last year before the start of the season I honestly thought we can win it based on the prior years and getting lee back. But losing leddy and eberle hurt plus huge covid issues. Hopefully we'll be better but nervous about losing Trotz. He is a fantastic coach and believe we over achieved.

  30. if the islanders want to be a good team again, they'll need to reaffirm their defensive game, and have an offense that isn't bottom 5. they need more out of barzal, beau, palmieiri, bailey, and especially wahlstrom. they have pieces, now lets see if it works under Lambert

  31. dufour led the qmjhl in goals. ik doesn’t always translate but his shot is very effective

  32. Before going home
    Tremendous Covid break out
    Plus Some player’s Snake bitten
    I believe they’ll bounce back
    And get into the Playoff Mix 😇

  33. I was not in favor of Kadri. Too risky a signing. Coming off a career year on a great team where he didn't draw the big checking assignment , he flourished. But usually, he gets suspended, and 7 years at 32, that's a terrible move. And we are solid if not spectacular 4 deep at center. I was hoping for a Debrinkat or Guadreau, but he hates the media and criticism so he signed somewhere where the media won't kill him.

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