@Flyers de Philadelphie

C’est toujours merdique à Philadelphie : l’affaire Flyers

Merci à SeatGeek d’avoir sponsorisé cette vidéo. Utilisez le code TREE pour 20 $ de réduction sur votre première commande. https://seatgeek.onelink.me/RrnK/TREE Il y a quelques années, j’étais sur le point de faire une vidéo sur les Flyers de Philadelphie. Ils avaient été assez terribles et sans vision, Dave Hakstol a été renvoyé (il a en quelque sorte duré plus longtemps que Ron Hextall, qui a également été renvoyé), et l’équipe avait traversé un terrible gardien de but après avoir lutté contre un gardien de but pendant plus d’une décennie. Pourquoi n’est-ce pas arrivé? Carter Hart est arrivé, et il était bon. Il a mené Philly à une solide séquence de victoires et la vidéo a été abandonnée. Cependant, nous avançons rapidement jusqu’à présent, et les Flyers sont dans une situation relativement similaire : ils sont terribles, sans vision et refusent de reconnaître pourquoi ils se trouvent dans la situation dans laquelle ils se trouvent (indice, ce n’est pas en grande partie à cause de blessures) . Cette vidéo est probablement inutile, mais je n’ai jamais dit que je n’étais pas fan de dunk sur un rival. Pour ne pas dire qu’ils ne le méritent pas.


  1. Have you ever played in NHL you sounds you had to won some SC . But obviously the ape´d be a better ice hockey player than you.

  2. Sunny, the word is sunny…. But I'd rather be watching the bsb boys…. Hart ain't no Bernie though is he….

  3. And as someone from the TRE RIVERS would know!….my man, love you page, but when was the last time you were EAST of Carlisle? I loved in the burgh (as a born and raised Philadelphian, went to college in western PA), lived there 7 years. After when I got home. I applauded the burgh for their championships……but without sports, pittsburgh would be Scranton west!! My city is a drinking town with sports problem…..but GEEZ, your hate, I get, cause I married a pittsburgh, but damn man, how inferior do you feel???

  4. I like how Tree is one of few people that can go in on a team, a city, or the franchise as a whole and even the fans will go, "Yeah, we definitely deserve this."

  5. The only thing that makes me smile more than failure in Philly, is failure in Montreal. 2021-22 was a magical season. Suck Flyers Suck.

  6. I feel as though, mismanagement aside, this team has just underperformed severly compared to their talent level on paper. I remember a few years ago when Carter Hart broke out this team looked like it had some promise in paper with its depth.

  7. Not only did they trade for Ristolainan, THEY GAVE HIM A MASSIVE CONTRACT EXTENSION! 5 years, $25 million. Then they trade Giroux for a bag of old pucks, and Carter Hart is a shell of what he could be. The draft is coming up and they still don't have a coach. Ed Snider must be rolling in his grave.

  8. You also forgot to mention… selecting Cam York instead of Cole Caufield lollll

  9. It's almost like if you have a decent team and then have 450+ man-games lost due to injury you might not have a great season. Crazier – if you look at those stats, it almost directly correlates with the bottom teams in the league this season with.. what, Montreal and maybe like, Buffalo having more? Oh shit, forgot about Arizona. All top tier seasons otherwise!

    The Flyers legitimately fielded half of an AHL lineup for long stretches of the season. Their top four projected centers spent a total of … 1 game on the ice together? Not sure what else you'd expect …. or why anyone is surprised by the outcome. (or why literally none of this comes up in the video, but you do talk shit on … player injuries? Classy. Is the next video dead relative jokes?)

  10. As a Flyers fan, they're really hard to watch. Like "watching a solar eclipse without eye protection while a parrot craps in one of your eyes and someone pours asbestos powder into your other eye" hard to watch. They have no synergy. No lineups that mesh. Nothing fires on all cylinders. I passed on every chance I had to go to a game this past season. I know I'm being an "armchair coach"…some schmuck with no clue how any of this works but can point out what doesn't work but, damnit, if I can see it, why can't the poeple who make these bad decisions?

    And I grew up watching them in the 90's and early 2000's…when they were great, and now I look back and wonder, "why?" and "how?" Why are we this bad and how did we get here!?

  11. It was nice when we had professional hockey here in Philadelphia, I miss it.
    At this moment if the Flyers left town no one would even notice.
    The days of this town selling out the arena for a fake team every night is over.
    Comcast runs this team like a political party, they just keep changing the “messaging” while fleecing their constituents. The loyalty and passion of Philly fans has been taken for granted too long and good luck getting it back with this inept weak roster overseen by clowns.
    The legacy of the Giroux era is not responding to cheap shots when they have no chance of winning anyway.
    That does not play well here especially at the ridiculous prices they charge for merchandise.
    Carter Hart is a good kid and has shown flashes. I hope he survives and escapes so he can reach whatever his actual potential is.

  12. And now Flyers will have old Torts fumbling about bragging about some culture in Philadelphia of all places. What a shitshow.

  13. Hilarious that the final clip was Kane's Cup clinching goal. Open wound… insert salt.

  14. Torts actually is the kinda coach we need, will he do a miracle his first season or two? No that's a herculean task but admittedly smarter ownership paired with some actual intelligent accusations like Kadri would actually push the boat of the sandbar and into some good hockey to build up to a possible cup team one day in next 5 or so years. Then again this sports odd about how things make a team sudden competitive so it may be another 2 or 3 years of crap before a somewhat good season, but Torts is a good fit I feel

  15. "2012cough cough" Wanna talk about getting shit stomped… the Pens not only lost horribly. It wasn't even a close series….. they physically beat the shit out of them too.

    If we're talking overall, battle of PA…. Philly wins. Hands down. Not even close. If we're talking, the teams within the NHL as a whole, the Pens are currently winning due to having refs wearing Crosby jerseys under the stripes.

    I would bet just about anything, that when Crosbitch retires, the Pens suddenly suck again, almost loose the franchise again….. and then the NHL will make sure they get a bunch of 1st overall picks and a Cup to keep them in Shitsburgh.

    100%, without the meddling of refs and the NHL, the Pens are still shit.

    Let's put it this way….. the player in the NHL known most for diving (Marchand is up there too though), he's never been called for it. Marchand has.

    Crosby slashes a guys finger off….. NHL "Well, he had put back on. You really expect us to suspend a guy we've been marketing as the best player for years now?"

    Crosby spears someone…. again…… "no harm, no foul".

    Crosby slew-foots someone….. victim is given a penalty for interference.

    These aren't in order or anything…. but he still does all of this stuff. People don't dislike Crosby because "he's just too good and not on your team". No. No one hates Johnny Hockey, MacKinnon, Giroux, Stamkos, Mathews, and so many other guys that are "the best player ever" at some point. Yet, they are all respected players that are on the same level as Crosby. They are all 1st line producers that at some point, were the best in the NHL.

    I would respect Pens fans SO much more if one, they weren't mostly just bandwagon fans from 09' and two, if they just admitted that the NHL has their hands on the controls a lot. If they just said "yeah, they rig for us, but I don't care because it's a win in my book". I would say, "fair enough". It's the people that try to act like something else is happening that bother me.

  16. This needs to be re-visited. Especially after extending Risto to a 5×5.1. Fletcher is a joke and always has been. I almost feel bad for Flyer Fan because EVERYONE knows Fletcher is gonna screw your franchise for YEARS. Ask ANYONE in Minnesota. Best of luck, kids!

  17. They hired JOHN TORTORELLA as their new coach and they traded for TONY DEANGELO. Those two will go together as well as water and electricity. Chuck Fletcher should’ve been fired after the 2020-21 season.

  18. I've waited for a cup since I saw the last one in 75. We get a team going and we trade away everyone that's good and we SUCK again. We make bad trades and claim we are rebuilding. Let's see – Simmonds, Voracek, Giroux, and I can go on and on. 2010 was our last great run and with the loss of Bobby Bouche in goal, we should have had that one. Leighton made a great stab at it and it wasn't his fault. Chicago was a machine. Our play is inconsistent, our coaching has been too dynamic and ever-changing. Fletcher should have been gone years ago. We need a team builder and not a deal maker. My 60 second rant on how we suck.

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