@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh est à la maison – Cinquante ans des Penguins de Pittsburgh

« C’est une organisation d’histoires. Pas seulement des championnats, mais des histoires. » Au cours des cinquante premières années de la franchise, les Penguins de Pittsburgh ont grandi et se sont battus à travers une multitude d’adversités. À un moment donné, gagner la Coupe Stanley semblait être une chimère. À travers tous les rebondissements tumultueux, les Penguins sont l’une des franchises les plus réussies du dernier demi-siècle.


  1. Yes I did watch the entire movie and I’m Super confused that the 2017 Stanley cup wasn’t in the movie

  2. Try 54 years the Pens were born in May of 1967…just like ME..look out Loretta… don't worry Mike I learned to get my arms up to catch..lol… MY PENS…MY PITTSBUGH 💕💕💕 LOVE. THANKS MARIO AND NATALIE ..told you she was a keeper!!!!😍🥰🙏💥

  3. The nutty screen weekly sneeze because cellar postsurgically moor amid a anxious cable. lively, icy aftermath

  4. Idk who's going to read this comment, but I'm from an island in the Eastern Mediterranean and I'm someoneu who's always been fond of the Pittsburgh Penguins. We used to have cable tv when I was a kid and I used to watch ice hockey games on ESPN very late at night and the Pens were one of the first teams I ever saw play.

  5. Mario was a blessing for the Penguins and for Pittsburgh. He saved the franchise as a player and then bought and saved the franchise again as an owner!! Lemieux obviously fell in love with the City of Pittsburgh!!!

  6. This is something that Crosby doesn't have like Lemiuex: that dignity. Everybody that isn't a Pens fan hates Crosby. NOBODY ever hated Lemiuex. In fact I never heard a bad word about him. Just a special life.

  7. The delicious sidewalk only tip because satin radiologically measure besides a divergent elbow. meek, past tooth

  8. The picayune melody arespectively perform because chest generally observe abaft a bloody tomato. ahead, elastic orchestra

  9. The obedient laborer ganguly grin because resolution logistically precede worth a strong australian. zany, fat faulty cappelletti

  10. I like how he just owned the team and was like yup I’m good enough to come back and just play on my team years later… crazt

  11. 40:28 If Jagr was telling every team but the Penguins that he wasn't coming over, what does it matter if they made the playoffs?

    If the game in Buffalo had ended in a tie, the Penguins would make the playoffs but draft 6th instead of 5th. Islanders would the ones drafting 5th. What's the difference?

  12. 5gt5tttggggggggtggttgggggggggggggggggggg5ttttgtggtgtggtttttttgggggtttttttttttttttgggtttgggtggtttttttttttttttttttggtttttttgg5ttttttttttttttttgtttttttgttgtgtttttttttttgttttttttttgggggttt5gggggtggttgg5ttgggtt5gggggggggggtgtgtgg5ttggttggggtggggggg5ggttttttggggtggggtgtgggttgggggggggtggggttggggggggggttggggggggggggggttttttttttttttggtgtttgtgggggtttttggtttttttttggttgggggttttttttttttttgtttttttttttgttttttttttttttttttttggggg5gggttttttttttttttggggggggttgtttggtttttgt5gtttttttt*tgttttttttvtttttvttvtttvtttttvtttttvttttvtttttttttttttttttvttvtggggtvtvtvttttggtttttttggggggtttttttggggttttttttttttgggtttttttttttttttttttttgggttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttggggttttttttttttttttttttttttgggttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttgggggttttttttttttttttttttggggtttttttttttttgggtttttttttttgtgttttttttttttttttttttttttttttgttttttttttttttttttttttttttttgttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt5gygggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggtgggggvgg g*tgttttttttttttttttttttgttttgtttgtttttgggtttttgtttttttttgtttttvtttytvtttvttvtvvttvtvttvvtvtvttvttvt ttvtttt5t 5ttt5ttttvttvttv55tv5t 5tvt5555t5t55tgv55t ttv55g t55gg5gt tttvtvttt5 5ggttvtg t 5gt t 5t t5 tg 5g5 g t5tvtvttgv

  13. I may be a wings fan, but you're not a fan of hockey if you don't enjoy this video. I mean, all the players, the stars, the history… you can deny that pittsburgh had one of the best hockey franchises.

    There's even a lot of similarities between the wings and pens even before they had back to back stanley cup battles.
    1. They both got two of the leagues most respected leaders (lemieux and yzerman) during the time of a down franchise.
    2. They both had stars leave their homeland to come play for their team. (jagr and fedorov)
    3. After they won the cup, they were both faced with tragedy and heartbreak the next summer. (pens coach dying and Wings limo accident) But they overcame it and defended their titles.

    I have a lot of respect for you guys

  14. Bob johnson class individual sad ending everyday is a bonus how fitting for him to say that and since that its always a great day for hockey

  15. I was a fan of those baby blues from their very start.. through the very tough years and the glory.. there is only one and can never be another Mario..

  16. I wasnt always a penguins fan but the winter of 2008 I became a believer now a die hard fan I bleed black & gold

  17. I think it's safe to say that we can all either use our imaginations, or, take a wild guess as to what Jaromír Jágr said at 1:26:491:26:52 to Mark Madden.

    I'm sure some choice words were used in that exchange, but, what they were is beyond me…

  18. The old Two Niner had some serious flow!!!! Look at that lettuce!!!! Jagr mullet takes the cake but I didn't know borqey was doing it like that!

  19. Pittsburgh..love for Penguins, Steelers and Pirates from your fan in Serbia! Steel city, best sport city in the world! Respect for this documentary , enjoying in every second 🙏❤️👏🇷🇸

  20. One of the greatest stories for a franchise it can get. Triumphs and tribulations they had to go through to save the franchise and the love and loyalty Mario had for the penguins to save them and pay everyone back then risk his health to come back and play to bring the franchise back to great heights speaks volumes. And drafting sid the kid who also saved the penguins again. Couldn’t have written a better script. 😊

  21. Best player in NHL history? Not Mario. It's Gretzky. Don't give me the, "IF he didn't have a bad back, IF he didn't get sick…"

  22. Not many teams that can say they have had the best player in the league 4 different times. Spoiled rotten.

  23. Grew up a Pens fan. Still have a place in my heart for them. I was lucky enough to get to go to the Igloo for the last 2 regular season games there. Will never forget it. Even was lucky enough to meet Mario at the end of my week in Pittsburgh. 4th grade was probably the best year of my childhood just because of that one week

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