@Coyotes de l'Arizona

14 Coyote Day et 5 Coyote Stand – Arizona Part I

L’épisode 3 de la saison 4 de The Last Stand n’est pas celui que vous voulez manquer. L’hôte et Lucky Duck Predator Pro Geoff Nemnich se rend en Arizona avec Dustin Patterson. Le premier jour, ils trouvent le succès et organisent une journée de 14 coyotes avec le meilleur stand que nous ayons jamais eu dans l’émission. The Last Stand vous est présenté par : Lucky Duck Predator Calls www.luckyduck.com Swagger Bipods www.swaggerbipods.com Hornady www.hornady.com OnX Hunt www.onxmaps.com syncID : MB01SFBNEQGW42V


  1. Honestly the amount of beef calves, deer and other game you just took the pressure off of by thinning out some predators is great. Thank you.

  2. What do you guys do with the yotes afterwards? Do you have a guy that takes the pelts or do you scrap em because of the temperature and holes?

  3. Was macht ihr wenn es keine Coyoten mehr gibt und Mäuse eure Ernte auffressen?

  4. How long do you like to have your starting call going before you decide to switch up sounds? One thing i struggle with is if a group comes in sometimes ill have that one that just hangs up in the tree line and isnt really committed to coming in, how do you go about coyotes that hang up?

  5. hello this is a guy from Kadoka SD i am wonderin if you guys would like to come down we have a ranch of about 12500 acres.

  6. Love watching you all get after it. Great program; informative, great personalities, and tons of fun.

  7. That'd be a great time. Where I live, I'm lucky to call one in per set. So many 100-200 acre farms around, it makes it hard to find a good sitting spot.

  8. Love the content. Where in Arizona are you hunting? I live west of Phoenix, lots of BLM land out here & lots of yotes, too.

  9. I want the new call. I got the revolt now but looks like you guys upgraded love get my hands on one. When they available to buy?

  10. Stop the loud music! At least turn it down. If I want a music video I'll change channels. Com'on guys!

  11. Awesome video here. I am liking the way you detail your set ups etc. And your presentation is simple laid back without a bunch of hoopla bragging etc. Just a good show.

  12. What do you do with all the yotes you kill? Just curious. We try to kill them on our lease in NC but have yet to be successful. Missed one with a pistol during deer bow season but it's the only one I've seen in person. We hear them often and get trail pics but they seem to elude us when calling and trying to kill them.

  13. Could you talk more about how you set up, for instance how do you set up when there is wind

  14. So I have an idea or something to run past you. It would be cool to have a video of what you do with these animals once you have harvested them. I know I asked what you do with them a while back but that might make a good video…. just a thought

  15. You guys are the real deal. That's probably why I mirrored my setup after yours. I got the swagger bipod 2 seasons ago and the wife got me the Revolt for my birthday last year. This previous weekend, I got my first ever hat trick. Schoolyard Brawl brought 2 in within a minute and dropped em right next to the call. As I was taggin and baggin those 2, I heard a third one . Got my call back out, switched to TNT and got that one at about 200 yds. I couldn't believe it. It felt like I was just watching you guys on the youtube and I wasn't really there. Thanks for the motivation. Lookin forward to more.

  16. Just bought an ar and am looking for the right scope. Is there any chance you could tell me what you are running?

  17. You all keep getting better on videos an shooting 5 on a stand. People are going to think you are a bunch of professionals

  18. So I'm in Arizona and wondering what calls you guys use depending on the season or if season matters and what volume

  19. Done that before looked at a spot and said nope not a good spot tried anyway and wow coyote came in so fast

  20. Whenever yall are in AZ again I'd love to collab! I've been out coyote hunting once, but it was during Stage III fire restrictions all over the state, which meant I could only hunt BLM land. I called one yote in with my lucky duck call but didn't notice him until I gave up on the stand and walked out to grab the call and saw it running away.

  21. Love these coyote hunting videos you all produce. What kind of Hornady shotgun shell were you using?

  22. You do NOT need loud music on your videos. Some soft low volume would be ok, but loud is annoying and distracting. What do you do with all of the dead animals? Have a great day!!!

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