@Blackhawks de Chicago

Comment les Blackhawks de Chicago ont transformé les superstars en dynastie et une dynastie en cauchemar

Les Blackhawks de Chicago ont transformé les superstars en une dynastie et une dynastie en une norme impossible. Au moment où les « Baby Blackhawks » ont perdu contre Detroit lors de la finale de la Conférence Ouest 2009, le magazine Forbes a déjà salué la franchise comme « le plus grand revirement jamais réalisé dans le domaine du sport ». Trois Coupes en cinq ans, dirigées par deux jeunes superstars et un noyau dynamique de joueurs de soutien. Chicago avait déjà terminé une dynastie, et il n’y avait aucune raison pour que ce groupe ne puisse pas continuer au niveau du championnat. Mais, même les superstars ne peuvent pas le faire seules. Écrit et produit par Steven Godfrey Édité par Charlotte Atkinson Graphismes par Tyson Whiting Abonnez-vous : http://goo.gl/Nbabae Entrez dans la base secrète : http://www.sbnation.com/secret-base Suivez-nous sur Twitter : https : //twitter.com/secretbase Suivez-nous sur Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/secretbasesbn Suivez-nous sur Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@secretbasesbn? Consultez notre catalogue vidéo complet : http://goo.gl/9pMHRV Visitez nos listes de lecture : http://goo.gl/NvpZFF Explorez la nation SB : http://www.sbnation.com


  1. You made this video too early. DeBrincat got traded, Kane is going to be on the move, and Toews will follow him too.

  2. Drafting could have been their savior. Championship teams drafting at the end of the order really have to step up their scouting for drafting after the 1st round, even triple the scouting effort Their 2011 & 2013 draft class probably was a greatest effort after adding T&K and Chicago seemed on the right track.
    From 2014 onward with the exception of 2nd rounder Debrincat (2016) their drafting has been close to a train wreck of reaching for talent, and or poor scouting evaluations.
    Boqvist (2018) was seen as a great defenseman, traded
    Dach (2019) who was a huge draft reach, traded.

    Looks like winning the draft lottery is looming on the horizon.

  3. This is riddled with inaccuracies right off the bat. Rocky didn't hire Dale Tallon, and there isn't enough emphasis put on the awful job Stan Bowman did (or didn't) do drafting and developing. Kane and Toews NEVER had other offers because they never were free agents. Good lord

  4. It ended when they ripped apart the greatest chemistry duo ever of Kaner and Panarin. They didn’t just score a lot, but they made hockey look the most fun I’ve ever seen

  5. They should of kept bread man and kept rotating enforces and defenders and keep neutral ice players as core to keep the first two lines well groomed machine

  6. Been a hawk fan since the 60's,totally disgusted with their management over the last 6yrs,a hawk fan no longer!!!

  7. The awful management and handling of Beach is the icing on the cake. Stan Bowman ruined us team and organization. Constant terrible trades ruined our progression and mini attempted re-tool. The Panarin trade will always live in my head as the worst trade in the salary cap era. Hopefully Davidson and new management can rebuild this team back into the former dynasty that it once was.

  8. Two Minnesota Twins collapses. The first is the Collapse of the 1991 Twins and how they emptied out after winning Two World Series championships (87 and 91) and the second being the 2006 Collapse. That team had The AL Cy Young, MVP, and Batting Champion. A gold Glove winner and TWO silver sluggers. By 2011 they'd be the worst team in the division.

  9. Great video, but the ending wasn't done very well. I was waiting for a conclusion and it just ended abruptly in the middle of the Aldrich-Beach discussion. I think that there is a lot more to say after the conclusion of that investigation about where the Hawks are and where they are going.

  10. Seeing that dynasty end was hard enough, but then to hear that your team covered up for a guy who would become a pedophile is just disgusting. I hope they never let that guy out of jail.

  11. This is one of the only rare times, as in never before, that I'm glad that I actually wasn't living somewhere that I could read or hear stories from one of my favorite teams. You see, I live in southeast Tennessee, but for whatever reason my favorite pro sports teams are all Chicago. Baseball-Cubs: Football-Bears: Basketball-Bulls: and of course_Hockey: Blackhawks. There's been many times over the course of my 46 years on this Earth that I've been frustrated by the fact that I couldn't follow my favorite teams and that I would know more about the University of TN @Chattanooga sports. And I knew that the Blackhawks weren't gonna win, like, 3 or more Cups with that same core group of players. But I never never heard over half of what was shown in this video.🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  12. My Notes: The NHL also in recent years X'd out Aldrich's name from Lord Stanley's Cup (There is only a XXXXXXXXXXX etchng in that spot now)…

    Otherwise an exemplary video and well researched / presented!

  13. I hope Pat Kane comes home to Buffalo for the end of his career, you know we don't love other teams but we would love if our native sons Patrick Kane and Rob gronkowski came home for like one season… Gronk did flying suplex moves to Bill's players… Pat Cane punched a cab driver… But in all fairness that's what the application process is in the first place in this town LOL when packing won the cup it was like Detroit Lions fans when Drew Stafford I mean Matt Stafford won the super bowl LOL

  14. First Mutt, then Panarin, then cat. Bowman screwed these all up. not to mention the Klye Beach thing going on the whole time too. disgusting. its hard to be a fan still, and I'm not sure how much longer toews or kane have… oh well

  15. Do you ever do soccer content? I’d love to see a Collapse episode on Manchester United going from winning basically everything to being a middling club.

  16. I can’t believe I’m saying this as a Nats fan, but you should do a collapse video for the Nationals.

  17. do a collapse video on the collapse series, cause y’all are fr lackin with it wtf happened?

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