@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Seize coyotes en une journée et la meilleure chasse au coyote filmée | L’Affrontement final S2:E6

Geoff et Dustin, Lucky Duck Predator Pros, sont toujours en Arizona pour chasser des coyotes du désert. Le troisième matin passe de bon à excellent et se transforme en ce qui pourrait être la meilleure chasse au coyote jamais filmée. L’un après l’autre, ils se lancent dans la révolte du canard chanceux. Le dernier combat du voyage est la cerise sur le gâteau, et il faut le voir pour le croire ! The Last Stand vous est présenté par : -Lucky Duck Predator Calls www.luckyduck.com Swagger Bipods www.swaggerbipods.com -OnX Hunt www.onxmaps.com -Hornady www.hornady.com


  1. I could only imagine seeing tree huggers faces whatching you guys laugh after blasting at the yotes hahahahahahahàaaaa love it. They probably think you guys are the biggest devils

  2. Don’t know why I was recommended this video I don’t like watching hunting too much. what do you do with the coyote after you kill them? Do you eat it or do you sell fur or trophy?

  3. Ooh you guys ate tuff you can kill a dog a wild dog but none the less a 🐕 dog. Do you think that really makes you tuff? Killing a dog. Wowsers

  4. A couple of them were red wolfs and their protected species so for all you people praising what these guys are doing. Your praising guys that are killing a protected species. The reason they were getting so many because they were using coyote calls abd the red wolf hates the coyotes. These guys are cowards

  5. Curious to know why people hunt coyotes? What do they get from it? Never heard of this before. We have some in our neighborhood, but aren’t allowed to shoot.

  6. So these coyote's are drawn by hearing wounded puppies and they want to eat them or something ?

  7. Fuc, being from Canada, with several
    hunts, I got to get me more
    Halloween suits to Git me more .

  8. Mi comentario no va a cambiar nada ,ni su forma de pensar, pero creo que son una mierda, que se aprovecha de su posición para masacrar a un ser vivo indefenso.

  9. Don't see coyotes like I used to. I'm thinking parvo or something has thinned them out. Distemper is also in the mix……

  10. To listen to these two men endlessly snickering at their deeds is more unsettling than any number of cayotes …

  11. I'm no tree hugger and I'm not vegan, I love eating meat to much, im also a hunter. I shoot and fish to feed myself,my family and friends, I'm not into hunting for just killing sake , I don't see the point. But I do think the coyote has been dealt a poor hand here's why
    Coyotes killed 37.9% of all livestock in the usa but man's best friend was accountable for 31.6% of livestock kills in usa
    Why killing doesn’t work
    Shoot or poison coyotes and you will have just as many again within a year or two. Kill one or both members of the alpha pair (A)—the only pair who normally reproduces—and other pairs will form and reproduce. At the same time, lone coyotes will move in to mate, young coyotes will start having offspring sooner, and litter sizes will grow.
    Research suggests that when aggressively controlled, coyotes can increase their reproductive rate by breeding at an earlier age and having larger litters, with a higher survival rate among the young. This allows coyote populations to quickly bounce back, even when as much as 70 percent of their numbers are removed.
    It is nearly impossible to completely eradicate coyotes from an area. Despite bounties and large-scale efforts to kill coyotes over the last 100 years, coyotes have in fact expanded their range throughout the U.S. and Canada
    Coyotes limit mesocarnivore populations and increase bird diversity and abundance . Mesocarnivores such as skunks, raccoons, and foxes as well as feral cats can have a destructive impact on bird populations by raiding nests, etc. While coyotes can coexist with these species, studies indicate that coyotes limit mesocarnivore populations largely through competitive exclusion, thereby having a positive impact on ground-nesting birds and songbird diversity and abundance.
    Coyotes keep rodent and rabbit populations in check.
    Rodents and lagomorphs (rabbits and hares) are important food items for coyotes, often making up more than half of the dry weight of prey items found in scats (
    coyotes provide benefits to both urban and rural communities by keeping rodent and lagomorph populations in check. Ranchers benefit from coyotes controlling micro-herbivores (such as rabbits and gophers) that otherwise compete with their grazing animals for food. Farmers also suffer less crop loss or damage when coyotes naturally control rodent populations.
    Coyotes help control disease transmission. Coyotes provide an invaluable public health service by helping to control rodents, thus reducing the spread of rodent-born zoonotic diseases such as plague and hantavirus
    Coyotes clean up the environment. As scavengers, coyotes provide an ecological service by helping to keep our communities clean of carrion (dead things).

  12. May God d May God damn you guys,and break your hands if you that you’re not really truly. Avcı b v C.

  13. These are the kind of psychopaths that murder people. If you can murder an animal, you can a person. The ONLY reason they aren't killing people is because they are afraid of prison. But if the right circumstance sets them off, they will. What truly demonstrates their sickness is their laughing when the animal is crying in pain. All serial killers start out killing animals like this. The only difference between these guys and the mass murderers is that some psychopaths lose their fear of prison and others don't. This world would be a better place if one of these disgusting excuses of a human being tripped and shot themselves in the head.

    The moral question "is killing evil also evil"? In other words, "do two wrongs make a right"? Unfortunately, I am not a psychopath, so I don't see justice as one. A psychopath will judge and decide who lives or dies for whatever relative morality or self interest he chooses. Unfortunately, I don't believe it is my right to choose, because those who make those judgements consider themselves superior, and I don't believe one living being is superior than another. The reason I say "unfortunately" is because like all people, I have emotions, and I have more hate for the people in these videos, and people like them, then most people could possibly imagine. So "unfortunately" because I am a moral person and a law abiding person, I can't do to these people what I would like to do. I assure you that if I wasn't the law abiding citizen I am, all their cute little army oufits and weapons would not protect them from me. Killing an animal with a scope that can't fight back, doesn't make you a hunter or a man, just a loser who gets off on killing.

  14. Im curious. Would people who hunt animals hunt them if those animals had guns and they shot back?

  15. This makes me sick, laughing about killing these beautiful animals for no reason…… wait…. coyotes suck.
    I gotta try this in SW MI, we are thick with these damn things

  16. You are a great hunters
    Yeah i know the feelings of a hunter in my younger years i used to hunt wild boars deer monkeys monitor lizards and birds too

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