@Blues de Saint-Louis

Match de camp des espoirs des Blues

Les espoirs des Blues s’affrontent dans une mêlée (4 contre 4 et 3 contre 3) le dernier jour du Camp Prospect de l’équipe au Centene Community Ice Center. La rondelle tombe vers 11 h 20 CT.


  1. I’m so happy that I still get to watch the blues play! Let’s be happy that Tarasenko is staying! Love him!

  2. I haven't read any news of the David Perron UFA Detroit signing on the Blues' website yet. Maybe the Blues are waiting on a letter from David to the fans. I'm very sorry to see him go to Detroit, but hope the best for him and his family.

  3. Well is Perron is definitely gone, there's a giant hole to fill and I personally don't see it filled w the current roster.

  4. Snuggerud had a couple of nice goals. I sure hope this is one pick the blues found a sleeper at 23!

  5. I don’t know if the blues can work the same as they did before, but I and they know that players need to step up this year. Let’s see if anyone comes out from their shell.

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