@Kings de Los Angeles

Les Kings de Los Angeles seront à nouveau en lice

Les Kings de Los Angeles viennent d’acquérir Kevin Fiala. Après une saison où ils ont presque atteint le deuxième tour pour la première fois en huit ans, l’organisation est remplie de jeunes talents tels qu’Adrian Kempe, Quinton Byfield, Brandt Clarke, etc. Les Kings de Los Angeles vont être un problème dans un avenir proche, et voici pourquoi. Tout le contenu visuel affiché dans cette vidéo appartient à ses propriétaires respectifs (Sportsnet, Los Angeles Kings, TSN, Fox Sports, Bally Sports, NHL, OHL, NBC, NHL Network et tout autre groupe et organisation manquants.) Twitter : https:/ /twitter.com/PHHockeyYT #Kings #Kopitar #Fiala


  1. This team earned my respect last season. They have the talent. It’s there. Things should get interesting in October! Great vid- ✊🏽

  2. Team is deep and prospects plentiful ,but gotta be little concerned in development Turcotte with injuries and Byfield being little overwhelmed.Think Byfield b fine,,but he may possibly need more seasoning in AHL. Byfield was youngest member his draft class & still looks like boy amongst men in NHL.

  3. Thinking Fiala is going to take you very far in the playoffs, 🤣🤣🤣 yea he be ok in regular season but playoffs he’s gone like the wind

  4. Funny how the kings can to finally contend again when brown retired. Thanks for the memories but his contract really set the kings back

  5. Cal Petersen's emergence? he regressed drastically, not the goalie of our future, and I love Kopi and Drew butthey hurt the team as much or more this year with awful giveaways! Hopefully Byfield and Dursi can kep up their play next season..

  6. Good summary. But B. Clarke can't play in the AHL next season like you mention. I think he is too young so if he doesn't make the NHL he would have to go back to the OHL.

  7. With the recent acquisition of Fiala, Doughty's return, and the rest of our young talent, I'm ready for next season!

  8. I went to Highschool with pinelli and played against his younger brother, Francesco is going to be a great 2way playmaking centre one day. I could easily see a 40-50 point season out of him one day while being solid in all aspects

  9. This was well done/thanks for sharing it. And I note, through all kinds of adversity, the Kings might have actually beaten Edmonton had 2-3 more guys been out there with them. My own excitement-before the Fiala trade-is for the Kings' 2nd line. Those three young forwards have so much potential and they work so hard. And better, still, they were not developed in the Kings' system. As outsiders, they can bring something fresh to the young guys who are coming up through the system. Ok, so I've followed this team from the start, so I will always carry cynicism-on every level. So I have two gripes. One will never turn around and the other…well, it depends on the players' development. But first was the 2019 NHL draft. The Kings had the #5, 22 & 33 picks. Honestly and truthfully, it was eating away at me right from the start. I would've tried to trade all three picks for the #3 or 4 pick…and I would've drafted Bowen Byrum. And the other draft whereby I would argue for speed over size/strength would've been in taking the #2 pick in 2020 choosing Tim Stuetzle (LW). We already had too many centers and the Kings have traditionally gone for height/strength over goal scoring/smaller skaters. And I know Quinton Byfield (C) could turn out to be a real gift. But seeing him in those first two games against Edmonton…mmmmmmmn. They skated right by him like he was standing still-oh, ya, he was! But hey, maybe he'll grow up and in to his role?

  10. Uuuummm no they're not. Hate to say it. A year older for Kopi and this organization cannot develop forward prospects to save their lives. Also they're the softest teams in the league and it's not even close. They will be in the bottom of the league in goals for as well. No one on this team can score. Get rid of Todd Mac he's a terrible coach.

  11. Are you unable to pronounce Kopitar's fsat name correctly or just too pig-headed to give that modest level of respect.

  12. Die hard dodgers fan here and also a new hockey fan of course supporting the la squad no matter what ! excited to see my first season been wanting to get into hockey for a long time ! Let's go kings !

  13. Good video but not even a mention of the best line from last season? Arvidsson, Danault, and Trevor Moore need to be mentioned at the very least.

  14. Good overall analysis. Younger kids need to step up and take a more prominent role. Having both a healthy Doughty and Arvidsson back will round out the team nicely. Quick is not going to turn over the Kingdom to Cal, but he will need to earn it. Kings have drafted well and acquired pieces necessary to make the next level. It's up to the players and their desire to win.

  15. I mean over his 1200+ game career he's averaged 72 pts per 82, but go on….

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