@Oilers d'Edmonton

Faits saillants du match 4 de la LNH | Avalanche vs Oilers – 6 juin 2022

Artturi Lehkonen a marqué sur un rebond à seulement 1:19 de la prolongation alors que l’Avalanche du Colorado battait les Oilers d’Edmonton 6-5 pour se qualifier pour la finale de la Coupe Stanley pour la première fois depuis 2001.


  1. I hate the oilers so much after this series. They were constantly doing dirty plays and hurting Avs players. There toxic fans cheering for it also. The avalanche didn’t even retaliate and just showed them up by sweeping them.

  2. Another underwhelming playoff performance by mcmuffin, so what else is new? Oh well, July 1'st is coming and he can add another cool 10 million to his multi-million dollar bank account.

  3. What kind of game does Tampa play.A strong defensive game,oilers can score 5 goals a game but cannot win because of team lacking team defence.🥅🇨🇦🥅🇨🇦🥅🇨🇦

  4. I am not a fan of either team, but it was impressive how the Avs swept the Oilers. There is a reason why they were on top of the Western conference. Go Avs Go – please bring the cup to the West.

  5. It is time to get right with Jesus. You aren’t going to automatically enter into heaven if you have lied or stolen or had premarital sex. Even one of those makes you worthy of hell fire. Don’t deceive yourself! The punishment of sin is hell fire.
    Jesus died so you can get a clean slate and forgiveness of a future sin when we confess it. When you start to follow him you have to strive to obey what he commands.
    No one will enter heaven without the blood of Jesus over you. No other way but through Jesus!.!!

  6. Honestly this was the series Edmonton needed to really grow. They’ve come so far over the years I hope they realize all the work they put in isn’t for nothing, this was an awesome series despite it being 4-0

  7. Sad .. you would think a team getting 4 first picks in 6 years, one of them being McJesus, could do better..

    They lack defense and goalie. Hope they fix this.

  8. Edmonton played SMITH in Game 1.He has shown that his Game 1 hasn't been particularly good. True to form it was awful. They stuck with him for Game 2. That was a STINKER and worse.
    Why didn't they play Koskinen? He would have been a Great Starter for Game 3? As a coach, it's a WIN WIN. Koskinen goes in, and outperform and out plays Smith, it gets your team back in the Series. He doesn't you can always pull him, and put Smith back in, might just be what Smith needed to light a FIRE under his AS. Game 4 the same. Smith cost the Oilers in all 4 games. Sure, he didn't have good Defense at times,, it happens, but thats why the Teams in the Playoffs go deep and make it to the Stanley Cup, because their Goaltenders STEP IT UP.. Smith didn't. He let in BAD goals and Sofites at the WORST most inopportune times. Sure he played decent enough throughout the season, but was just an average Goalie in the Playoffs. What the Series Loss showed was that A) The Oilers have a weak D but worse B) Their Goaltender is only Average come Playoffs.

  9. Hoffe so sehr das Draisaitl einen Trade zu einem Stanley Cup Team bekommt.

  10. The Oilers are so disliked across Canada, that the vast majority of Canadians were actually cheering for an American team.

  11. The best thing about this game was the Oilers teasing their fans by opening up a two goal lead, twice, and then those fans having to watch as the Avs disembowelled the home team. The moans and groans from Rogers were a delight.

  12. What we wanted: McDavid vs MacKinnon

    What we got (better): Draisiatl vs Makar


    Edmonton needs a team defense emphasis like Barry Trotz brought to the Islanders when he tookover. The Isles were last in the league in defense when he took over and have been a top defensive team for his entire tenure. Oilers team defense – not necessarily the personnel – but the team defensive schematic is not Cup ready. The issue needs top priority and 100% full commitment. They cannot hold leads against top teams. Personnel don't seem to know how to play to keep leads.

  14. Oilers wasting to much time with luck attack.If you can't do the opposite cooperate with teamwork.
    Or from defense either.

    For the 4th goal you would have to turn back skating trying to take the poc.
    For the last one I don't know if it's allowed to throw the stick.Or you would have to jump with 4 legs.Sometimes you can think very fast and act.
    I can see that team is focused on the opponents.

    When you're a defensor you have to be very wise what and how is the best for the attack.

    Could you dribble 2 defensors + the goalie in line?Well the goalie + a closest range shot type.
    Could you keep focusing in front of a wall?
    That's a path to follow.

    Everyone shall be well (while playing smoother) and very well positioned and alert.
    You have to find the/a position to proceed,to go score or to score.

    When you waste time from approx.middle zone you're letting a big wall construction.
    Every useless pass and pass pass plays will turn all this impossible.

  15. Бляяяяяяяя….ьььь как я рад что 4:0 вынесли Ойлерз….. Колорадо…. вперёд лавина…))))) Макдевиды,Драйзайтли всякие…нехуй вам делать в финале….. Урааааа…

  16. Yeah if lightning goes too Stanley cup avs are sol because lightnings goalie is red hot and lightning has great defense

  17. Avs you ain’t beating Tampa bay lightning your lucky to score 1 goal lightnings goalie is another binnington that blues should ended the series with him but no the stupid injury ruined what could been a good goalie battle between blues and lightning

  18. Lightnings goalie is way better then binnington so your screwed avs if you thought binnington had to figured out just you wait when you face lightnings goalie

  19. Good luck scoring 6 or more goals against lightning ain’t gonna happen unless there goalie isn’t good

  20. Mike smith is like that kid you played sports with growing up who always threw a fit and tried to call fake penalties and say your goals were no good because they were just a frustrated twat.

  21. Nate and Makar are amazing, and yet McDavid always looks like he's floating through everyone. Hopefully he never gets injured

  22. I'm not a fan of Colorado, but i'm hoping they win the Stanley Cup and end Tampa Bay's championship streak.

  23. Must have sucked for those people who didn't get back to their seats before overtime and their season ended…

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