@Islanders de New York

Finale de la Coupe Stanley de 1980, match 6 Flyers au flux Islanders CBS

Alimentation de la télévision du réseau national américain Dan Kelly, Lou Nanne et Tim Ryan


  1. My favorite sports memory. Even better it happened against the hated Flyers. Tim Ryan was the Islanders broadcaster for road games. You can see how happy he is on the ice when the Islanders celebrate at the end. I graduated High School one month later only one mile away in East Meadow.

  2. I was really hoping my home state about 45 minutes to the north of me in Portland Oregon would have gotten in NHL team We definitely could support one All we have is the Portland trail blazers in the NBA and we could definitely support all four major sports But Seattle did get a franchise My wife and I hope to go to some of their games I'd rather see a Seattle NHL game than the Portland trail blazers play basketball So my wife and I will have an excuse to travel to Seattle. I will probably never get to see my favorite NFL team play because it's not Seattle I'm a 40-year long suffering Miami dolphins fan baseball I like the Oakland Athletics when it comes to the NHL until now I just got to watch it has a fan enjoying it without having too much of a dog in the race I guess because of where I'm located I root for the Vancouver Canucks The next closest team to us is to the South and that would be the San Jose sharks If they met in the playoffs I would roof for Vancouver But now I have a team I can root for. The NHL even though yes it's watered down now has some early great competition now I've been listening to games online for the last few weeks getting back into it again as a kid I was a huge hockey fan but nobody to talk to about it back then in the eighties because here on the West Coast there wasn't too many hockey fans let alone anywhere to ice skate. I've always been a huge fan of Canada I would actually love to live there but it anyway thanks for listening everybody and I really really hope that we finally get to see a Canadian team win the cup again.

  3. I was as a 6-year-old from 76-87 standing at where the Islander got off the ice, My dad in 76 working for METLIFE got the NY Islanders account, after home games they all met at the Burger King, during the season and the playoffs, I have so many Goal magazines signed over the years and stories that were dreams…what did they do after they ate fast..they jumped in beat-up painting vans and painted house till 2 Am or longer, there was no money in sports until Gretzky…another time ill share the 2 Pats story.


    CBC / CBS

    24 MAY 1980

  5. It's interesting how back then, they didn't hold on to the rim of the Cup when lifting it, they have one of the hands on the 'neck' of the Cup instead. I wonder who started holding it by the rim.

  6. As a 17 year old isles fan who lives in Uniondale, I feel as though watching this is a rite of passage. I can’t thank you enough for posting this!

  7. Saturday afternoon game May 24 good and bad day for the 1972 expansion clubs Islanders won the Stanley Cup , Flames announced they were moving to Calgary

  8. I watched this amazing game live on CBS, Ch. 2 in NYC. I was a new hockey fan then, just getting into the game. This game and the Islanders turned me into a lifelong hockey fan.

  9. Islanders better offensively than Oilers in playoffs. More 5 goal games more 3 goal wins more 4 goal wins fewer 1 goal wins.

  10. NHL gives Islander's opponent's home ice, despite Isles finishing 29pts ahead of Montreal, Montreal gets home ice.

  11. Isles have more 3 or more goal wins than 50s and 70s Habs combined. More 5 goal games than both Montreal teams combined in their Drives for 5 cups.

  12. Oil fail to win 3,, are not a Dynasty like 65 66 Habs and 68 69 Habs. Very good not great. Just the facts.

  13. RiP Clark Gillies, Jean Potvin and Mike Bossy. You helped make this possible. We are grateful for you all.

  14. I worked with Islander defenceman Hector Marini in Toronto when we were both Correctional Officers in the 90s. It was pretty cool talking with someone who won 2 Stanley cups.😊👍🏾

  15. That first goal Clarke should have been called for interference in front of Smith, He held that defense stick about 5 seconds, just long enough to get the puck to leach…the flyers were notoriously dirty

  16. NYI did not take any of the Flyers crap. Neither did the Habs in '76. Nystrom and Howatt were incredibly tough!
    Kelly on the mic, 10 years earlier he called Bobby Orr's Cup winning goal in OT

  17. It became quite obvious to me, that the pathetic broadcasters of CBS,
    were doing everything in their power to protect the savage, animalistic Flyers
    in Game 6. Goring was clearly ONSIDE when the isles scored their
    second goal. Islanders deserve that CUP a lot more than those
    neanderthal BROAD STREET BULLIES. Every hockey fan here in Canada, was
    proud of the Islander triumph. Myself included.

  18. The two remaining original Islanders, Nystrom and Billy Smith, were on the ice when they won.

  19. Too be honest, the Islanders dynasty pursuit began during the 1975 playoffs when they fell behind the Penguins 3 games to 0…then won 4 straight. In the next round, the fell behind the Flyers 3-0, then tied it 3-3, before a game 7 loss. They acquired Bossy and other important pieces, and THIS was their revenge. Followed by 3 more Stanley Cups in a row.

  20. Played street hockey that day and got home in time to see OT. I still react with a fist pump when I see the Nystrom goal. Thanks for the memories!


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