@Capitals de Washington

Capitales @ Avalanche 4/18 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Capitals de Washington à l’Avalanche du Colorado


  1. Read a stat yesterday that said the only two teams in the history of the NHL to get to 62 wins didn't even get to the Finals those years so in an odd way I'm kinda glad we that dropped this one lol.

  2. Why would anyone put the puck in the middle in your own zone ?

  3. Is it my imagination or are the announcers significantly less enthusiastic when the Caps score or do something good? I've been watching games on the network TV broadcasts and see a pattern of more enthusiasm for Caps opponents and less for the Caps. For example, after the Avalanche goals, the pitch is higher, the details are spoken with more enthusiasm, and there is more talk. With the Caps, after one of the goals today, the announcer only says "score" with a flat voice. To me it seems like a consistent pattern, but I'd like to hear others' observations on this.

  4. I didn't like the jack Johnson signing from the start, I definitely don't like it now, I hope to god hes not on the playoff roster

  5. Show's you how weak the west is. 8th seed from the east dominates the best team by far in the west.

  6. All these caps fans acting like they just won the Stanley cup, we’ll come back boys, just some bad defense

  7. Well, that's Jack Johnson defense for you. Oh well. OTOH, man, has Nichushkin really found his game. Dude is a wrecking ball out there.

  8. Avs Fans: "The officiating was terrible tonight! We played well despite Kadri and Landeskog out."
    Caps Fans: "Great win tonight! Defense played well. The Avs suck in the playoffs, but we're 'amazing' at it."

  9. Jack Johnson did not play well. It was a good game. I won't complain about the officiating because the refs allowed a pushed-in goal for the Avs. Really missing Toews.

  10. I don't think the refs cost the Avs the game by any means, but they were horrible last night. Jack Johnson's worst game of the year. Usually he's not amazing, but not a liability. Avs playing against a good team without Kadri, Toews, Landy, Cogliano, or EJ while experimenting with pairings at a point in the season where games only matter for President's Trophy, I'm not shocked they dropped this one. Hardly going to worry while going 9-0-1 in the last ten.

  11. Say what you want to about the plays that led to the goals; Washington did a great job defensively and limiting the center ice transitions. Hard-Fought game, probably one of the most exciting games all regular season.

  12. We don’t lose often the caps are no match for the AVS!!! That’s why they don’t have a top rated spot on their charts

  13. this is one of those games im glad they lost. its essentially a playoff game and they lost. hope it tought them an important lesson about defence in the playoffs.

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