@Ducks d'Anaheim

Les Ducks d’Anaheim surprennent Troy Terry alors qu’il devient une star de la LNH

Troy Terry remporte le vote des derniers hommes de la LNH pour le match des étoiles 2022 de la LNH.


  1. Love you ducks have a great season terry is my favorite player Let’s Go Ducks 🦆🦆❤️❤️

  2. Congrats Terry We love you and wish you the best of luck in the all-star game! Crazy how the skills competition is on my birthday, ill be watching, Go Ducks Go!

  3. Troy really just popped off out of no where,man's deffently deserves the spot.Good job Troy and gibs can't wait to see y'all out there,Go ducks go🦆

  4. He is so beyond deserving of this! Great job fellow Ducks fans! Have an amazing time in Vegas with Gibby Troy!

  5. Troy,you got all 40 of my votes…only you & Kadri were on all my ballots. And it's not cuz you grew up in Denver,or cuz you led DU to a national title…just like I didn't vote for Kadri,cuz I'm an Av fan. It's cuz you both totally deserved it,& got screwed initially,cuz of this dumb "1 per team" rule." But I'll bet a lot of Av fans did as I did,& stuffed the ballot box for you,& Kadri. Congrats Troy,we love you in Denver,& are happy for your success-now I hope we beat you guys-lol

  6. I added Big Terry to my fantasy team after he started getting a point a game and I'm in love with him. Just out of nowhere he became a star. I hope this continues for my fantasy team's sake and for the Ducks sake.

  7. Can we see some videos of dallas eakins showing ANY kind of frustration with the team right now? Im not too happy about how the ducks are playing right now. Theyre letting san jose, los angeles, and calgary catch the hell up in the standings!

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