@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Grosse mêlée entre les Ducks d’Anaheim et les Coyotes de l’Arizona

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  1. I came to a hockey game and they were playing Lax but then they started playing hockey again.

  2. This is Beags becoming a legend..


    The man saw red. Not a dirty player; just a bad night. It cant be easy playing for a horrible team anf getting embarassed; globally. Hes not a bad guy. He boiled over. Beagle is one of the best pivots in the NHL. Hes a LEGEND. Without him; no Stanley Cup in Washington. Those two plays are a perfect example of why Beagle is a LEGEND..

  3. Terry punches him, well tries to, first. Beagle is defending himself here. Don’t know why the funnies at sportsnet are defending the quacks here

  4. Zegras got cocky and pushed things. That's on him weather a person is a tough guy or not you are up 5 nothing. You keep pushing that's what you get oh Terry is a goal scorer so what. When kessel was in Toronto he got attacked by John Scott who is a beast of a man. What happened?? Kessel defended himself and still fought someone else as an elite goal scorer at the time.

  5. Both of these teams fucking suck and Zegras is a punk for poking at the goalie when they’re up 5 – 0 and then crying to the press after

  6. Coyotes announcer sounds like he's had a couple, slurring his words. What a homer

  7. Old schoolers afraid of change. “You wanna skill it up and that’s what you get” What???? I’m good with the scrum situation – it’s the ignorant comment that I’ve got an issue with. Embrace change my friends… SMH

  8. Rookie move by Zegras thinking he isn't going to start something by poking because he didn't hear a whistle…bunch of fuckin babies in these comments.

  9. These Coyotes announcers are so biased… I mean I’m a Sharks fan and what Beagle did here was so bush league. Uncharacteristic sure but bush league…

  10. If what this evil commentator is saying is true hockey is even more trash than I thought.

  11. “You wanna skill it up and embarrass guys you better be prepared to get punched in the mouth”

    ummm whattt??

  12. FANCY MOVES? This Commentator Should be Fired! Skill over CAVEMAN all day. No skill Caveman Killing these Young Players because they are pure TRASH

  13. The fact Zegras acts like he just blew his back out says it all for me.. Absolute suck of a human and then Terry gets worked for stepping up to the plate OVER NOTHING LOL

  14. The Coyotes shouldn't even be in the NHL. They are playing in a 5,000 seat college arena. Freaking joke and they sucka**

  15. Zoomers like zegras and these clowns would never last in the real NHL days. As they would be checked into dust or get their face punched in. Becoming a soy sport.

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