@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Hatcher] Taryne est partie.

[Hatcher] Taryne est partie.



  1. DanTreview

    Okay, so pregame and post-game, but does that mean inter-period too?

  2. slappadabases

    This franchise does nothing right

  3. StubbornLeech07

    Sucks to lose her but good for her for getting what seems to a promotion.

  4. slimreapersmitty

    It’s over boys pack it up 😞

  5. mojo_pin71

    …and it continues to get worse.

  6. ReadingFromTheShittr

    This is good for her career, but probably even better for her sanity.

  7. Pendraflare59

    Taryn is great and all, but I pray this ends up bringing some sort of good fortune, just like how after Serena Winters’ departure from the Sixers was when Embiid turned into an MVP candidate

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