@Canucks de Vancouver

Quinn Hughes rencontre un fan des Canucks qui lutte contre le cancer

Warrior Will, un enfant de 8 ans qui lutte contre la leucémie, est un grand fan des #Canucks de l’Oklahoma. Après avoir rencontré Quinn l’année dernière, ils ont enfin eu la chance de se rencontrer hier à Dallas. Hughes a surpris Will après le match, où Will et sa famille ont pu rencontrer d’autres Canucks. Si vous souhaitez vous tenir au courant de toutes les dernières nouvelles, des faits saillants, des fonctionnalités et du contenu All-Access Canucks, assurez-vous de vous abonner à un ou à tous nos flux sociaux, que vous pouvez trouver ci-dessous. #Canucks Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube officielle des Canucks ici : http://www.youtube.com/Canucks Vous pouvez également nous suivre sur Twitter (@Canucks) : http://twitter.com/canucks Consultez notre page Facebook : http ://facebook.com/canucks Voir des photos et des vidéos sur Instagram : http://instagram.com/Canucks Chaque canal est assez unique, donc si vous voulez voir tout ce que les Canucks ont, vous voudrez certainement vérifier chaque canal.


  1. Aww! Saw this boy on TV during the game last night! Didn't see coming that he has cancer! Wishing him all the best!

  2. NHL Players are the absolute best at how they react to these situations and treat people in these circumstances. There are some players in every other sports league that do the right thing, but hockey players are the best across the board. You can see in this boys eyes how much this means to him.

  3. No matter what happens to the Canucks season this year, this group is full of bona fide winners. Go Canucks!

  4. A great player and a great person. This is what I want to see from our professional athletes and celebrities. I watched Will Smith embarrassing himself in an incredibly selfish act last night and I wish wish the media would show stories like this all day instead of some narcissistic arrogant dooche whose in it for himself. I love this group of Canucks….win or lose, when they become part of the community.

  5. This is why I love hockey players…they have such big hearts and they appreciate their fans so much(not saying no other athlete does)

  6. Cannucks r the best organization. So good with kids and family. I'm from near Pittsburgh and love Vancouver. The guys on this team r wonderful. Doesn't get any better. Vancouver r blessed with great players, staff and management. Vancouver is what the NHL stands for and they go above. Thank you Vancouver.

  7. Hockey players are always doing great things for the fans and the community. Best pro sport in the world.

  8. you can so tell quinn's a big brother in this. stay strong will!

  9. You go Huges. This is such a great thing to do. The up most respect your way my man.❤❤❤

  10. And this commitment to kids and the community by all Canucks players is driven from the top. Aquilini has always insisted the the entire organization get involved and do this.

    Good on Hughes. Good on the team.

    These kids deserve these moments, and it’s a pure win-win thing.

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