@Kings de Los Angeles

Dustin Brown, Kings de Los Angeles | Au-delà de la glace

Dustin Brown se souvient du choc culturel d’avoir déménagé à Los Angeles, de jouer son 1 000e match pour les Kings et pourquoi son anneau de championnat est inscrit avec un hashtag. Pour les dernières actions de hockey, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne en cliquant sur le gros bouton rouge brillant S’ABONNER Regardez le hockey en direct où que vous soyez : https://www.nhl.com/tv Dernières nouvelles, scores, statistiques, analyses et faits saillants en temps réel : https://www.nhl.com Vous vous sentez social ? Twitter : http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook : http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram : http://instagram.com/nhl


  1. Love him or hate him, you have to give him props for his resilience. (There are reports of Brown and alleged bullying of him over his lisp, with a notable name being Sean Avery.)

  2. He never should of had the "C" stripped!!! Shady move by the Kings!!!

  3. of the Kings drafted core, Kopi, Doughty, Quick and Brownie. Dustin is least likely to make it to the HOF.. But his number should be retired by the kings & no L. A. King should ever wear #23 again.

  4. I got his jersey abd it's signed by him in the front and all the other players in the back who won the cup that year… I need to frame it up

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